Taiga: I've nothing to do with this.

Yuga: Really?

Taiga: Yuga, behind you!

(then someone came from behind and knock Yuga out)

-at the Sky Base-

Eve: Yuga-san is sure late.

Kaki: It can't be. It's rare for him to be late.

Yokan: Maybe, can you call him?

Nana: Yuga, Yuga, respond. I can't get hold of him.

Masato: Do you think that something happened to him?

Satoru: Come to think of it, it's been nearly a few minutes.

(then Kotaro and Najenda came in)

Najenda: What's going on?

-with Yuga-

(Yuga woke up and found himsel being bind in chain)

Yuga: Where am I? What?

(then a man came in)

Yuga: Who are you? Why did you do this?

???: I apologise for taking you by force.

Yuga: Eh? Taiga, Titas, Fuma.

???: Calling them is no use. I've them in you care, you use them will make things tricky.

Yuga: How did you...

???: Firstly, what do you think about using this giant weapons?

Yuga: Giant weapons?

???: Secondly, Do you thing you can control these weapons?

Yuga: What's this talk about weapons and control? They're not tools, they're my important friends.

Bul: My name is Bul, it appears that I can trust you.

Yuga: Then, give them to...

Bul: I afraid I can't.

(then he use them and sends them into the controller)

Bul: You three will have to pipe down a little while longer, until "it" appears.

Yuga: It?


Kurosawa: Slow, quick, quick... Slow, quick, quick... Slow, quick, quick... Slow, quick, quick... Slow, quick, quick...

-at the Sky Base-

Nana: It's more harder than it looks.

Najenda: Kaki, Enishi, Yokan, Rikuo, Ogami, head out and find Hasegawa.

Kaki, Satoru, Yokan, Masato and Kotaro: Roger!

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