Chapter 12 - One Good Turn Deserves...

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 Jake shoved Maxis into the custody of several rebels. "I believe this means you're unemployed, Maxis," he said with a smirk.

"You can't do this!"

"I just have."

"I'll... I'll sue you!"

"For what? Deprivation of illegally gained assets? Overthrowing a tyrant? Don't make me laugh."

Daniel and Clarissa, with Thorne and Tina behind them, finally entered the room. They walked up to where Jake, Evvie, Maxis, and the rebels were standing. In a strong and firm voice Daniel said to the ousted dictator, "Sordius Maxis, in the name of the people of Antioch Two, I place you under arrest."

Jake shook his head. "Don't be so melodramatic. At any rate, you don't have the power to make arrests."

"Ha!" Maxis snapped.

"However, you do have the right to hold this idiot in irons until someone shows up that does have that power."

"Ha!" Clarissa shot back.

"Who will show up with that power, Jake?" Thorne asked.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Evvie said. "My agent and my mother are on their way here. When we hold a press conference and tell the galaxy what happened, I'm sure those guys will show up."

A look of vast surprise suddenly came over Maxis' face as he realized that his favorite artist had just helped put him in the hands of the masses. "Evvie?" he gasped. "Evvie Martini? What are you doing here?"

She glared at him. "I'm helping overthrow you, you tyrant!"

"But...but... but I'm a fan! You can't do this to one of your fans!"

"I'll do it to any of my fans who's a bully and a tyrant!"

"If only she'd do that to all her fans," Jake muttered.

"It's not fair!"

"Hey, Sordy, life isn't always fair. If I were you, I'd sulk in silence."

Maxis glared at Jake for an instant or two, then shut his mouth.

Jake turned his attention to Thorne and the Rosens. "I believe this fulfills my part of our contract."

"You fulfilled your promise," Daniel said in an excited tone.

"You really came through," Clarissa added. "We couldn't have done it without you."

"That is why you hired me, as I recall."

"So, Jake," Thorne said, "what do you do now?"

Jake took in a breath. "Uh, well, I..." He abruptly became somber. "I have someone that I promised I would visit when I did something good and important. I think this qualifies."

"You're leaving us?" Clarissa asked. "Now? We have to celebrate our victory."

"You have every right to join us," Daniel said.

"I know. This is something I have to do first. means a great deal to me."

"You will come back?"

"Certainly. It might be a little while, a few days or so, but I'll be back."


"In the meantime, before you start your celebration, be sure to get my compensation scheme established. Once you're up and running again, I'll need that five percent you agreed to."

"Five percent?" Thorne frowned. "Of the profits or the gross?"

"Profits, of course," Jake replied.

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