chapter 18

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i don't remember falling asleep but im now awake and it's 12.

"sup will" i say walking into the kitchen. "afternoon" he is making some type of sandwich. "sorry, i didn't wake up i thought you would need the sleep" he looks at me. "oh it's fine and i really did" i chuckle. i grab one of my last monsters and go in my room.

i sit in my chair and look at discord. "hey guys" i say joining tommy and tubbo. "HELLO WOMAN" tommy says very loud and very formal. "hey" i say with confusion all over my face. "anyways hi tubbo" i forget about tommy. "hi mitch" he say much quieter then tommy.

"what are you guys doing?" i ask both of them. "minecraft per usual" tubbo says. "oh are you on the smp?" i ask. "yeah wanna join?" he ask. "in a little bit i just got up" i yawn. "oh ok" they say. "but i will stay on call" i reassure them.

"did tommy leave?" i question. "uh i don't know" tubbo shrugs. "i am right here sorry you guys were talking to each other " he rolls his eyes. "well yeah it's because you are annoying" i laugh at him. "yeah yeah i already knew that" he says in annoyed tone.

"ok be right back im gonna start my stream" i mute myself on discord. "hello people hope you enjoyed the charity stream sorry i didn't stream yesterday" i apologize. the chat just says 'it's ok' and 'i deserved it'.

"anyways today we are just having a clean up stream i guess with tommy and tubbo maybe fundy when or if he even wakes up" i chuckle a little.

"hey guys" i say unmuting myself. "oh hi y/n" tubbo says. "hello woman" tommy says. "um today i am just going to be doing a clean up stream and talk with you guys" i let them know. "that's fine" they both say.

"oh hi fundy" i say picking up his call. "hey y/n i saw you are streaming and i was wondering if i could talk to you on stream" he asks. "uh yeah join vc 2. tommy and tubbo left a while ago" i explain. "ok thanks" he says and hangs up.

"hi, fundy how did you sleep," i ask him smiling. "really good actually" he replies. "ok you are still streaming right?" he asks. "yeah why?" i say very confused.

"well um so i bought tickets for you to visit me in 2 weeks!" he says very excited. "WAIT REALLY" i scream. "yeah really" he screams back at me. "FUNDY NO WAY I AM SO EXCITED" i chuck my headphones off and start jumping up and down.

"will!" i say going out of my room and heading into his. "I GET TO VISIT MY BOYFRIEND LOSER!" i scream at him. "yeah i know you were just screaming about it" he rolls his eyes. "whatever jerk" i run back into my room.

"wait i am so excited" i giggle with excitement putting my headphones back on. "same i get to see my baby again" he says and i can tell he is smirking. "FUNDY! stop" i laugh.

"wanna play minecraft with me you flirt" i smirk. "hey i am no flirt i am a simp" he huffs. "haha you simp" i laugh at him. "only for you though" he says. "but yes i would love to play minecraft with you my queen" he smiles.

we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now