chapter 2 (texts and more)

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"OMG! REALLY!?!?!??" i screamed. "yes now quiet down i swear one day we're gonna get kicked out" wilbur replied. "oh it's fine this place is kind of small anyways" i say snapping back. he just sighs and goes in his room. "don't stay up to late loser" he yells at me. i just reply with a small whatever and head in my room.

2 AM
fundy man

hey loser

rude but hi buttface

now look who's the rude one anyways wilbur said him and niki were also talking about you guys coming and wilbur said he could make it work

omg yes we can finally meet each other

ikr well imma go play minecraft with tubbo


ok and?

go to sleep

you're just jealous because im playing with tubbo and not you

no it's just it's 2AM

but it's like 12 for you so im not going to bed till you go to bed

fine then i'll go to bed meanie

omg i can't believe i just tricked FUNDY of all people FUNDY I HAVE SO MUCH POWER

whatever good night weirdo

goodnight cutie


fundy POV
OMG Y/N JUST CALLED ME CUTE!! i have to admit i've always had a thing for her. she gets me. she's beautiful and pretty and cute, but of course she is just more then just her looks. her personality is so sweet and fluffy and adorable. i love it when she throws up her peace sign. when she does her cute shut eye smile. when she swears too much. when she yells at wilbur or just in general. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER. EVERYTHING.

y/n POV
i wake up to will knocking on my door. "get it up y/n it's already 1 pm" he yells at me. "ugh 10 more minutes" i mumble but it was muffled because my head was in my pillow. "no get up this is why i said not to say up to late" he says walking into my room. he plops on my bed and rips my blankets off. "what the fuck!! dude it's freezing!!" i grunt, pulling the blankets back on me.

"when did you go to sleep last night" he asked. "2" i answer him. "well that's better then 4, also what made you go to bed so early" he questioned. i immediately remember last night and how i called fundy cute. "um just was tired i guess" i lied . "your hiding something and i'll figure it out" he said, staring me down. "i'm not hiding anything go away weirdo" i assure him. he mumbles a whatever and leaves.

i get up and change out of my shorts into sweatpants. i go in the kitchen to find will making himself some eggs. i just get some fruit loops and head back in my room. tommy texts me. "ugh what does tommy want" i say annoyed.

we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now