Nightmare, Trickery, and Professor Binns

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"No way, they'll all whine and be irritating, complete pass." Ares says, glaring at the goddess of magic.

"Oh, come on, it'll do you some good. You need to learn how to hold back some of your strength. Look at all the plates you broke just today." Hecate gestures to a pile of broken plates.

"I'm a God, I can just make more, besides what's the big deal about these pipsqueaks that you want me, the great God of war to teach them. Are you planning a war or something?" Ares asks, a bit of interest in his eyes at the thought of war.

"I don't control them, they do whatever they want, and I just make sure they don't end up extinct. I just have a minor problem and want you to help my wizards learn how to fight so they're less likely to be obliterated." Hecate says, knowing the problem is anything but minor.

"They've been fine so far, what's the big deal right now that makes them need my training." Ares asks, not really interested anymore, not now that he knows there's no war.

"Um, something came up, and some dangerous people entered my wizarding world, and if someone upsets these people, they'll definitely obliterate the entire wizarding world." Hecate mumbles.

"How sad." Ares says, mocking sorrow, his flaming eyes expressing just how much he doesn't care. "Who are these dangerous individuals, your wizarding world must be really weak to not even be able to handle their own problems."

Hecate holds down the urge to blast Ares to the moon. Never a good idea when we're considering the God of War as the target, revenge is definite. "The three Princes of Olympus." Hecate weakly says, Ares eyes flaring in surprise.

"What?! They're plotting war without me, hell no, where's this wizarding world, I've got to join the three." Ares yells, looking excited to go.

Hecate groans. "No, you can't help them. Please, just train the wizards at this school called Hogwarts, I want them to have some defensive abilities in case the three go mad."

Ares laughs. "Defense, against those three, even I'd only last a minute." Ares stops laughing, realizing something. "But I'll come. Those three are there, if I'm around them there will definitely be war!"

"Please, no. The point of this is to stop a war from starting. I just want you to train the wizards, those three will also be joining in the classes, so just help the wizards and those three become friends. If they're friends, the wizarding world won't cease to exist."

"Goddess, you're really too stressed, you should go visit the underworld, it helps."

"How does that help?!" Hecate yells, really wanting to blast Ares to the moon now, well not as much, since he did agree to come.

"Full of people suffering, watch it, you'll realize your life is pretty good. Unless your Percy, then you'll probably just wish your life was half as good as theirs. When do I start?"

"Tomorrow." Hecate says. "Oh, and you're my assistant teacher."

Hecate vanishes, Ares bursting into a roaring fire. "How dare you! Assistant to someone not even on the council, dead, so dead!!!"

"Will you be quiet, your ruining my hair!" Aphrodite roars, and Ares looks like a fire distinguisher just put him out as he slumps.


Ron glares at Percy as he walks into History of Magic. Percy glances his way and smiles, making Ron glare even harder. Percy's smile falters, fading, his expression reverting to his usual blank look. Black eyes land on him, and he shivers, glare reducing to a fearful gaze as he looks at Nico D'Angelo. Nico smirks, no longer glaring as he mouths, I will kill you if you bother Percy.

Ron gloomily sits at his desk. Class should be beginning, but no teacher enters. Dumbledore walks in, a ghost shrieking madly follows along. Ron recognizes the ghost as Professor Binns, the Professor for this class. "What happened to him?" Ron whispers to Hermione.

Hermione looks at Binns thoughtfully, before frowning. "I don't know, looks like he's gone mad." She finally says, looking irritated that she doesn't know.

Dumbledore stops at the front of the class. "I'm sorry, Professor Binns is out of it. For today I'll take over and teach this class." Dumbledore glances at Professor Binns, and Ron agrees that Professor Binns is unfit to teach class. His shrieking is more disruptive then Fred and George's pranks.

Binns is shrieking and crying ghostly tears, looking like he's attending his mother's funeral, but worse. Class begins with Dumbledore introducing Percy, Nico and Jason. Percy waves, Jason lazily waves, and Nico only glances up from his desk. Professor Binns who was just shrieking, is suddenly quiet, attracting everyone's attention.

Professor Binns coughs, looking embarrassed. "Yes, sorry about that. It's wonderful to have you three in this class, now let's go ahead and start the first lecture. Hm, actually let's talk about the Greeks. Wonderful group, great fighting strength they had. Let's see, who can tell me which Gods make up the Olympian Council?"

"I won't bother you." Dumbledore says, Ron noticing how even Dumbledore looks confused about Binns switch from shrieking, to elegantly giving a lesson. Dumbledore leaves, and Percy answers the question.

"Amazing answer, 15 points to...which house are you? Nico and Jason as well?"

"Not officially a part of any class, today the three of us represent Ravenclaw." Jason says with a stunning smile.

"Good, good, 20 points to Ravenclaw." Professor Binns says, smiling, something Ron has never seen the old ghost do.

Hermione instantly stands up. "Professor you said 15, then you raised it to 20. Besides that, how can you give so many points for such an easy question?!"

"Sit down! Subtract 10 points from Gryffindor." Professor Binns yells, and Hermione unhappily sits. The other Gryffindor's unhappily look at their desk, wishing Hermione had kept quiet. It's not like the other houses ever argue when she gains points for answering questions. Well sometimes the Slytherins do, but they're Slytherins, Hermione's a Gryffindor.

Ron glares at everyone who casts unhappy glances at Hermione. 'This is all Percy's fault, the grandson of Voldemort is causing problems, he needs to go. He's even making the ghosts strange, he's just like Voldemort.'

Author: Extra chapter due to my late posting, SORRY!!! Thanks to those who've commented, I love reading all the comments and responding when I can. Don't forget to vote, I'm hoping to reach 1000 votes by the end of this story. For those who've been voting throughout, thanks! 

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant