Chapter 18: Talk

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I pretended to be sick the next two days, so I didn't have to go to classes or see anyone. Ginny and Luna tried to get me to leave and eat, but I felt like an awful person, between thinking I betrayed Cedric, to just running out on Malfoy.

"Come on Art, you have to eat. I even brought you your favorite: pumpkin pasties!" Exclaimed Ginny in her most cheerful voice.

I groan and roll over. She wearily smacks me.

"I'm not being nice anymore," she says while grabbing the covers and throwing them off me, "Get up now!"

"Fine. I'll get up, but only because I want those pumpkin pasties."

She smiles and hands me one.

"Now tell me what's going on before I have to send my brothers a letter and have them come deal with your hard head."

I give a large sigh, knowing I have to tell her. Better now than later I guessed. In a rushed, hushed voice I say, "I made out with Malfoy and ran away because I thought I was betraying Cedric."

Whatever Ginny thought was going on, it wasn't that. She sat mouth gaping, with a total look of shock. Then she gave a slight chuckle and smile.

"Oh, Art! It makes sense now. I wondered why Draco asked me about you," she said taking my hand.

I looked up, "He asked about me?"

She nodded, "Neville thought he was being funny and told him to shove off. He left in a huff though."

I sat twiddling my ring, I looked down at it. Draco Malfoy tastes like apples. It clicked.

I told Ginny what I was thinking. Draco had to be the one that sent me the ring and bracelet, and why the Room always left out apples. She sat wide eyed. I'm not sure she believed me, I wasn't sure I believed myself either.

How could the cold hearted pureblood have any real human emotions other than pride and anger? And how could I deal with this?

I started back to classes, there was only a week left anyway. I avoided Malfoy, because I wasn't ready to gave him, mostly I just didn't know what I wanted or needed to say. How could I? I wasn't ready to fall in love again, if that was even what it could be. I was scared. I was still healing. I could tell he was too, whenever I caught his eyes on mine.


I was sitting alone in the train compartment when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I knew it was Draco before I turned around.

"We need to talk," he said coldly.

I nodded as he came in and closed the door.

"I'm sorry I kissed you. I know I shouldn't have, but I felt something that I hadn't before."

"Draco. Stop." I interrupted, "I should be the one apologizing for running off instead of just talking to you."

"I'm use to the running instead of talking," he said solemnly.

My heart hitches, he is just a boy whose feelings got hurt his whole life. And I'm part of the reason this time. I knew I needed to be honest.

"Draco, I need you to listen to me. I'm not mad you kissed me. I honestly enjoyed it, but I'm not ready for anything like that, at least not right now. Cause I could fall for you if I wanted to. And I could get attached and love the hell out of you. But I don't think I'm ready to love someone else, not after how suddenly he left." I started crying while looking straight into Draco's grey, icy eyes, which also had tears welling up in them.

I don't think he knew how to respond. We sat in silence until we heard the whistle blow. At that, he wiped his eyes, got up, opened the door, and said, "Have a good summer, Artemis." And he was gone. I sat and cried knowing I had hurt him.

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