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So it true what I had read about the mark on my left foot, I am dying slowly but surely I was dying although now thanks to Bennedeta, Bianca and Elena I was dying faster. I kept my eyes on Domenico since it was his whore who had shot me and is now about to leave my son without a mother, when they all got around me my eyes were on Domenico all the time and I knew that Shadow was looking at him because I could see my eyes on the reflection on the stainless steel around the room.

"How are you feeling" Alex asked

"I got shot on the chest, how do you think I feel" I answered

"Aly, how much did you hear" Ely asked

"Enough to confirm what I already knew" I said

"You knew that you were dying and didn't tell us" Alex asked

"How long have you known" Ely asked

"Since the day I left the pack as soon as I left the lands my ankle started to hurt but I thought it was that I had hurt it while walking my bike away from the house so neither one of you would hear me turn it on, when I got to a town about six hours away I got a room at a hotel and when I was taking a shower I saw it. I then went to a restaurant and while I waited for someone to take my order I started to draw the mark on a piece of paper, when the waitress saw it she said that her friends sister had the same mark before she died due to her mate rejected her but got worse when he mated and marked another as his, I then went to a library where I was told there was a section for werewolves and I read on it" I said

"You should have returned to the pack" Angelo said

"And why is that Angelo, to be seen as the rejected she wolf while my mate walked around with his whore while I died. No, that's when I decided that I needed to get as far away as I could. Then about three weeks later I got so depressed that I tried to take my life, when I woke up hours later I was in a hospital bed and I found out that I was pregnant and that gave me a reason to continue living my life. When I was released from the hospital, I heard you all in the front desk asking for me and at that moment I was glad that I had given my mother's name and not mine" I said

"What hospital was it, where you were" Alex asked

"The same one where dad and mom found out she was pregnant with me" I said as I looked at him

"You and Cole are going back with us to the pack" Domenico said

"Your right, we are going back to the pack but I am not going back to stay" I said

"Then why are you going to go back" Angelo asked

"To return the favor to those who put me here and accelerated my death" I said

"Where is Cole" I added

"I will go get him" Ely said

When she left the room it became so quiet that if someone dropped a pin in the room you would for sure hear it fall, after a few minutes Ely walked in with a sleeping Cole in her arms and laid him on the bed next to me. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and he cuddled up to me, I laid my head on his head and fell asleep holding my little man in my arms.


We were finally back in California and we were heading towards the pack, I had Cole in my arms as he took a nap while I was sitting between Alex and Ely because Domenico wanted to make sure that I didn't get out of the car and ran away once again. When we got to the pack house we saw a lot of people in front of the pack house, when we stopped Domenico got out and Bennedeta ran to him and hugged him as I stepped out of the car with Cole in my arms.

"Oh baby, I am sorry we all heard that Aly got shot and didn't make it" she said

"And who said I didn't make it" I said as I handed Cole to Ely

"We were told that you got shot on the chest and that you were dying" she said

"Well they misinformed you, by the way where are your sisters" I asked

"We are right here" Elena said as the walked up to stand next to Bennedeta

"How can you still be alive" Bianca asked

At that Domenico, Edmundo and Angelo looked at them before they looked at me as I allowed my eyes to change color.

"Now here is the one million dollar question, who is going to say how you all really know what happened to me" I asked

"Mommy" Cole screamed as everyone turned to look at him and how scared he was just by looking at the three sisters

"Why is Cole afraid of you three" Domenico asked

"We don't know" they all said as they started to walk backwards

"Oh no your not, I wasn't able to defend myself back in my house because I didn't have anyone to take care of my son if I didn't make it but now I know that my brother and his mate will take care of him just like they did me" I said

When they looked back at me I raised my hands and we were surrounded by a wall of fire causing everyone to gasp.

"Who are you" Elena asked

"My name is Alessandra Mendez, the daughter of Mike and Estela Mendez the best fighters that were under the order of alpha and luna Vega until they died eleven years ago" I said

At that moment they all shifted in to their wolves which only made me smile, I looked towards Cole and smiled at him as he nodded his head which was caught by everybody. When I looked at Alex and Ely they figured what I was going to do and as they started to shake their heads in a no motion, I then turned to the three pack sluts and my smile got even bigger. Before anyone could do or say anything I shifted in to my midnight wolf with crystal blue eyes, I then started to hear three people growling and when I looked around there were three more wolves next to me which meant that I would be fighting six wolves instead of the three I really wanted. When the three wolves that decided to join the fight charged, I moved and right away was able to claw two opening their stomachs up making them bleed and for sure they would die due to blood loss.

The other wolf charged and I lowered myself low to the ground, when I saw that he was just above me I through him out of the wall of fire then made the fire wall higher so no one would be able to get back in here before I finished up with what I really came here for. When the three sluts attacked at the same time I waited for the right moment and then I charged taking one and breaking her neck without breaking my concentration from the other two who were by now really mad at me, they charged again and I broke Elena's neck as I wrapped my snout around it before letting her lifeless body fall to the ground. When I turned to see Bennedeta I knew she was really mad as she shifted into her human form, I followed right after her the only difference was that I was fully clothed while she was naked in front of everybody. She ran towards me and I lifted my hand up grabbing her by her neck and held her up in the air as she tried to make my let her go, I squeezed her neck little by little until I heard her neck break before her body went limp in my hold before I dropped it next to her sisters.

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