April 23, 2017

Começar do início

"No way! Are they that obsessed?" Eric asked.

"We've had some stand out on the sidewalk just staring at the house," my mum said with a shake of her head.

"Just think...you might have your very own stalker one day," Ceci said as she playfully poked me in the ribs.

"I hope not. That shit scares me."

We said goodbye to our parents and went out to my Jeep.

"Where did you want to get pics?" she asked as I pulled onto the road.

"Oh we're not actually doing that. Brian and I took those photos last month, but I never told my parents about it. I was just using that as an excuse for us to get away alone."

"What a sneaky boy you are!"

I frowned at her. "I believe you mean man."

She rolled her gorgeous brown eyes. "Where are we going?"

"Ian's family owns a parcel of land in Greenwood. The guys and I camped out there last weekend."

"I saw the pics. You all looked pretty drunk."

"It was a good time, though it got cold at night."

"Does Ian know you're taking me there?" she asked.

"Of course not. I just know it's free tonight since his whole family is in Brampton for his grandma's eightieth birthday. No one will ever know we were there."

She placed her hand on my thigh. "I'm glad you found a way for us to be alone before you leave."

It didn't take long to get to the isolated property. I parked the Jeep and then opened the door to the trunk and pulled out a tarp, a sleeping bag, a thick blanket, and a foam camping pillow.

"Funny how I forgot to put this stuff back in my garage," I said with a grin.

"So you planned this a week ago?"


We walked further into the property until we came to a grassy clearing. I spread the tarp out and unzipped the sleeping bag, opening it up so we could use it as a bed. Then I placed the pillow and laid down so that my head was on it. I opened my arms and Ceci joined me, her head resting on my chest. I covered us both up with the blanket since it was getting chilly now that the sun had set.

"In a little while the stars will be out," I told her.

"We're lucky it's such a clear night."

I lightly stroked her back and could feel her relax against me. I took my other hand and place it under her chin, angling her head up so that I could kiss her. I didn't give her one long kiss, but rather a series of short ones that got increasingly intense. When I hooked up with other girls, kissing was just a means to an end. With Ceci, it was an amazing experience all on its own. Her soft lips felt perfect against mine and I never tired of tasting her sweet mouth. At one of our recent hotel rendezvous, I'd tasted another part of her and made her scream with pleasure. I wanted that again.

It was too cold to get fully undressed, so I only removed her clothing from the waist down. Then I ducked under the blanket and lowered my head between her thighs, using the tip of my tongue to tease her. She grabbed hold of my hair as she whimpered, which told me she needed more. I increased the pressure and speed until she arched her back, her cries ringing out in the open field.

Fuck. I needed to be inside her while she was still quaking from her orgasm. I pulled a condom from my pocket and undid my jeans without bothering to pull them down further than my hips. As I thrust inside her, she pulled me in for a long kiss.

This was one of those times where the first fuck was fast and furious. As we recovered on our backs, looking up at the night sky, I knew the second round would be slow and sensual.

"Do you know any constellations?" she asked.

"Ummm, I can usually find the Big Dipper, but it might be a little early right now."

"This was a good idea," she said as she took my hand in hers. "We're not going to see each other for awhile and I'll miss you."

"You mean you'll miss this?" I said with a chuckle.

"Both you and this. They're kinda connected."

We were both quiet for awhile we watched the sky transform from blue to black.

"So...are you not going to say it?" I asked.

"Say what?"

"How this is the last time because I'm going to be gone and I need to be able to do my thing on the road with no strings tying me to you," I said.

She sat up. "I wasn't going to give that speech this time, but the way you just said that makes me think you want to hear it."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"If you want to fuck someone, far be it from me to object," she said snidely.

"We've always said we weren't exclusive, so I assumed that was understood," I retorted.

She tilted her head to the side. "Did you fuck around on your last tour?"

I sat up, too. "Should we be talking about this?"

"Actually, yes. If you're sticking your dick in me then I deserve to know if there's a risk of infection."

"We always use a condom."

"What about your mouth? Disease spreads that way, too," she stated.

"I've never done that with anyone else."

Ceci stood up and started pulling her pants back on.

"Come on...you can't be mad at me about this. You explicitly told me that we were stopping our thing before I went on tour last time because you knew I might hook up. Now you're pissed that I did?"

"It's not that you did it! It's that you came back and resumed our thing without telling me. I think I deserved to know!"

"I'm sorry. I felt really weird talking to you about it," I said honestly.

"You know that speech you were expecting? Here it is. Go ahead and have all the fun you want on tour because we're done. I'm not going to be your hometown fuck while you're out doing god-knows-what all over the world."

We hauled everything to the trunk of my Jeep and then drove home in silence.

Some Things Never Change [SHAWN MENDES]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora