Chapter 10: Let's Go

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For lack of a better adjective, not to mention that my train of thought had been derailed for some time now, I was nervous.

Beyond nervous, actually. The feeling that was pushing down on my psyche was more like overwhelming terror.

Okay, screw it. I was freaking out like I had never panicked before.

I had discussed possible date plans with Yukari last night, debating and weighing the options until eleven in the evening. And after all that suffering, I managed to piece together what I thought would be a half-decent plan for my first date with Aigis.

Half-decent. For my first date. I felt pathetic, to say the least. Yukari had woken me up at 8:15, dragging me out of bed as she literally threw me into the shower. After I had tidied myself up, Yukari had chosen an outfit for me that she thought would be suitable for my date and for the still-chilly weather: a navy blue sweater with a collar that made it look similar to a polo shirt, pale blue jeans and a grey coat which I swore weighed at least five pounds. When I was foolish enough to ask Yukari the reason I had to drag along the stupid thing, I promptly received a sharp blow to the side of my head, along with a comment about loaning it to Aigis if it got cold later on.

Afterwards, Yukari proceeded to shove my breakfast down my throat (since apparently I wasn't eating fast enough), then rushed me out of the house since she insisted that I arrive at least twenty minutes early. Which brings me to my current state of being: sitting on the couch in the living room of the Yamada household, quivering like a dog in the middle of a hurricane as I waited for my girlfriend to finish getting ready. It would have been more bearable if I Keisuke-san had been there, but unfortunately he had already left for work, hence I had no one to talk to since Aigis' mother was busy helping her with a "something" that they failed to specify.

"We're almost done!" Yui-san yelled from the direction of Aigis' bedroom.

"Okay!" I replied, trying to mask the misery that I was feeling. Well, it wasn't real misery, it's just that my extreme nervousness had finally managed to transform into a feeling that was pretty close to misery. I groaned, doing what I could to calm myself down.

A few minutes later, I had just regained my composure and the trace amount of sanity I had left when I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up at the two women approaching me... and my jaw almost hit the floor. No, actually it did. It unhinged itself from my skull and fell through the floor into the center of the earth. And then if fizzled up and died.

Aigis' outfit was beyond cute, with her simple yet elegant one-piece navy dress with tight sleeves and lace on the hem, with a matching scarf and black leggings. But what really got me was the fact that for the first time since I had met her, she was wearing make-up. I mean, she looked great with her natural appearance, but this was definitely something else. Her cheeks had been lightly dusted with a light-colored blush, her eyelids with an eye shadow that was in between white and cream-colored, and her lips glistened with what I assumed to be lip gloss.

"I- is this too much?" Aigis asked with uncertainty in her voice, looking down to avoid my gaze. "I- I mean, I didn't really want to do this, but my mom insisted so I went ahead with it..."

"Oh! No, no, you look... great..." I replied, quickly snapping out of my delirium as my face began to redden. "You look good in make-up."

"I, uh... thank you..." my girlfriend stammered, the surprise clearly showing on her face. "I honestly thought you wouldn't like it..."

"Well, looks like my work here is done." Yui-san interrupted, placing a hand on Aigis' shoulder. "Have fun on your date. I'm going to go take a nap now." she concluded, yawning as she walked back towards the bedrooms.

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