Chapter 8: Wait, WHAT!?

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"Mu...." I mumbled audibly as Junpei poked me with a pencil. "Stop..."

"Yuka-tan, how long has he been like this? It's getting depressing." Junpei whined.

"He's been like this for two days... don't bother him, Junpei." Yukari sighed.

"He's getting all mope-y because of Aigis-san?"

"Yes... now let me mope." I moaned with my face in my arms. To say that I felt like crap would have been an understatement. After what had happened at my house, Aigis had been avoiding me as much as she could. Whenever she would see me in the halls, she would run away from me. When I ate lunch on the roof, she would go eat with Yukari and Junpei. When I tried eating lunch with the three of them, she would disappear the moment I sat down. She left the classroom in between classes, and wouldn't even look in my general direction despite that I was sitting right next to her. When we went home, she always did her damnedest to stay at least 5 meters away from me at all times. Needless to say, I felt like we were acquaintances at best now. And that was not a good feeling, especially since we had been so close until just two days ago.

"Yo, Aigis-san!" Junpei said.

"Not funny." I mumbled.

"Good morning Junpei-san, Yukari-san." an all-too-familiar voice said politely. "Happy Valentine's Day."

I snapped up in my seat and saw Aigis was standing right next to my desk, smiling at Yukari and Junpei. However, when she looked at me, her face fell slightly and she looked away.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Junpei said cheerily. "Are you giving out any giri chocolate today?" he asked eagerly.

"As a matter of fact, I am." Aigis replied, the smile returning to her face. She rummaged in her school bag for a bit, then pulled out two small bags of chocolate. "One for Junpei-san and one for Yukari-san." She said, handing each of them a bag.

"No giri chocolate for Minato-kun?" Yukari asked, eyeing my former friend questioningly.

"No..." she replied quietly, looking away.

That was the final shot to my heart. I mean, come on. A few days ago I was worrying about whether or not she liked me. Now, I wasn't even getting giri chocolate from her. "That's it... she officially hates me..." I thought.

"Ouch... burned..." I heard Junpei mutter.

"Hey!" Yukari hissed, hitting him on the arm. "Don't say things like that now!"

"No... it's okay..." I said, doing my best to put a sincere smile on my face. I could tell it wasn't too convincing judging from the look on Yukari's face. "I wasn't really expecting anything..." I said, putting my head back down on the desk.

How fortunate for me that Ms. Toriumi decided to come in at that moment. "All right everyone, put away the chocolate. Let's get to work." she said loudly as she put her books down on her desk.

"Yay... I can mope in peace now..." I thought as Ms. Toriumi started taking roll.

"Are you all right, Minato-san?" Aigis asked from the seat beside me.

"She's talking to me again!"I thought cheerfully. Then I noticed something that bothered me even more. "Minato-san? She's addressing me as Minato-SAN!? Aw damn it..." I groaned in my head. "I'm okay. Just feeling a little miserable." I replied half-heartedly.

"Then... you should probably sit up." she said quietly a few seconds later.

"Fine..." I groaned, getting up.

"Minato-san... there's something I want to talk to you about... can we meet after school?" she whispered when Ms. Toriumi wasn't looking. "It's... important."

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