Chapter 2: Welcome to My Home

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"Phew. Exams are finally done." Yukari said, stretching her arms. "How do you think you did Minato-kun? Aigis-san?" she asked.

"I think I did pretty well." I said proudly. "I'm pretty sure Ai-chan did well too."

Aigis smiled shyly at me. She had been at our school for about three weeks now, and was adjusting to high school life pretty well. She was getting along with all of my friends, had replaced her headband with another one that was exactly like it, minus the ear covers. She was also beginning to act more "normal", although her face still turned red when she came in contact with me. Also, Aigis apparently only wanted me calling her Ai-chan, because when Junpei attempted to do so, Aigis complained to Yukari, who promptly got the poor boy in a submission hold until he promised to address Aigis properly.

"Gah..." groaned the young man sitting behind me, who was currently had his head lying down sideways on his desk. "Second semester finals suuuuuck... All exams suck... I haaaaaaate exams..."

"That's only because you didn't study." Yukari said.

"How can I study when Christmas is right around the corner?" Junpei whined. "Besides, that three hour study session you forced me into was so damn boring, I had to take a week off. Then I just had to cram the week before the exams."

"So how much did you study for midterms, Minato-kun?" Aigis asked me as Yukari started lecturing Junpei about something.

"Oh, I studied about four hours each day for the past few weeks." I said, yawning from how tired I was. "It was kind of hard, but I'm still confident I got good grades. What about you, Ai-chan?"

"Oh, I almost the same thing you did, except that I got scared in the last week before exams, so I ended up studying six hours each day instead of the four I had planned." My blonde-haired friend said, sighing. "I'm still a little nervous though..."

"Don't worry too much." I said, patting her on the back. "If you studied that much, you probably got a better score than me." I whispered to her, grinning.

She blushed. "Well, I guess... I'm confident that I scored well on the science and math exams..."

"Yeah, Aigis-san, I'm sure you did great." Yukari said, who currently had Junpei in a headlock.

"Uh... Yukari-san? Why do you have Junpei-san in a... headlock, that's a headlock right?" Aigis asked worriedly.

"Oh, Junpei was just trying to escape from our discussion about why cramming isn't good for him, so this is his punishment." Yukari said, grinning.

"Help me! She's cutting off the air flow in my neck! Gack!" Junpei choked, still trying to get loose.

"Oh, sorry." Yukari said, loosening her grip a little bit. Unfortunately, this rare act of mercy from Yukari was just what Junpei wanted. As soon as Yukari started loosening the headlock, he slipped out of it.

"YES!" He cheered, as he stretched out his back. Then, he ran out of the classroom, screaming "FREEDOM!" as he ran.

"Dammit, Junpei! That's the last time I show you mercy!" Yukari yelled at the fleeing young man. "The next time I get you in a headlock, you can suffocate for all I care! GET BACK HERE!" she yelled, getting out of her seat to run after Junpei. "Minato-kun, can you take my stuff home please? Thanks!" she said as she dashed out of the classroom.

"That was... strange... why does Yukari-san do those things to Junpei-san?" Aigis-san asked me.

"Well... I guess it's because Yukari-chan finds Junpei-kun's lax attitude so horribly annoying that she's actually trying to cure his stupidity, or at least that's what Yukari-chan told me once." I answered as I began to gather my belongings and Yukari's stuff too.

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