Chapter 9: The Day After

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"Ah... I'm up early..." I yawned, stretching my arms as I sat up in bed. "I actually have time to get ready for once."

I usually woke up thirty minutes before the 6:40 train from Iwatodai station arrived to take students and other passengers to Port Island, which was a fifteen minute ride. This usually allowed me to get to school half an hour early so that I could have some time to mess around before class started. However, I was surprised to find that I had woken up half an hour earlier than I usually did, which gave me a full hour to do whatever I wanted before I had to leave.

The first thing I took care of was taking a shower, which I usually had to finish within ten minutes. Today, however, I took my time, and wound up getting out of the shower after a full twenty minutes of washing, scrubbing and whatnot. After changing into my school uniform, I was feeling particularly generous, so I decided to make breakfast for me and Yukari.

"Wonder why I feel so good today..." I murmured to myself as I cracked an egg open over the frying pan which was on the stove. "What happened yesterday..? Well, Aigis and I made up, we went to the park..." I mumbled to myself, then stopped as my fatigue released its grip on my mind and all of yesterday's events flooded back into my head. "Holy... Ai-chan is my girlfriend..." I mumbled, blushing as I recalled the particularly passionate kiss we had shared last night. "Man, for someone who was unconscious for such a long time, she kisses really well... wait, what the hell am I saying!" I said, scolding myself by slamming down my fist... right onto the edge of the burner that I had been pre-heating for the tea.

It took a split second to realize what I had just done, and another split second for the pain to shoot through my hand. "FUCK!" I shouted, writhing as I squeezed my wrist in pain. "Oh damn, I need to soak this, get the burn cream... oh god, where the hell's the burn cream!" I groaned, tearing through the drawers in my desperate search for the aforementioned ointment with my good hand. I must have been making a bit of noise, because right as I found the burn cream, Yukari walked out of the hallway, still half asleep, from the looks of it.

"Minato-kun, what the heck are you doing?" the brunette mumbled sleepily as she rubbed her eyes. "It's too early for this... and what smells good?" she asked, peering over my shoulder.

"Scrambled eggs." I said as I applied the cream to my singed hand. "Oh thank god, there aren't any burn marks." I said, sighing in relief. As the smell of cooking egg wafted into my nose, I noticed something that I probably shouldn't have. "Uh, Yukari? Your nightgown's crooked and it's showing your bra..." I murmured, looking away quickly.

"Again! Aw damn it..." Yukari groaned, readjusting her nightwear. "I knew this was too big for me..."

Here's the funny thing... over the years, we have had random encounters in the house where either me, Yukari, or the both of us either had nothing but our underwear on, or had a noticeable part of our undergarments showing. As a result, we have both gotten so used to such encounters that we really didn't give a damn any more, although we tried to avoid such situations for decency's sake. So long as neither party stared at the other, no one would get hurt. Not that I could ever hurt Yukari-chan, but she could definitely give me a knuckle sandwich if she felt like it, so I at least had to keep my end of the deal. Either way, we could tolerate briefly seeing each other in minimal clothing so long as there was no gawking and the onlooker looked away within five seconds.

"Still happy after your little date with Aigis last night?" Yukari asked as I went back to attend to our cooking breakfast.

"Of course! Why do you think I'm cooking breakfast right now?" I laughed, giving the eggs one last shake-stir before I turned off the heat on the burner. "But I don't really think it was a real "date", so to speak." I said as I divided the scrambled eggs and put them on two separate plates.

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