Loving you Tonight (Project)

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Written for 1st day of fictober 2020 challenge. Prompt: "No, come back". (Hosted on Tumblr.)

If you like this AU I recommend reading these stories on Archive of our Own:

1. Kim Dokja's Guide For Escaping A One Night Stand 101
By: ZealousHeart

2. pretty strangers
By: HeavenlyDusk

3. a comedy of errors, a galaxy in your eyes
By: indiavolojones

Warning: Not recommended for people under the age of 15. Slight NSFW scene ahead (Not really) and for people who reminded me webtoon-only readers exist, SPOILER ALERT.

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Kim Dokya tends to be a very quiet person. He's antisocial and has a self-deprecating attitude. In fact, his favorite hobby is reading. Watching the stories of world-saving adventures, famous heroes trying to accomplish their goals and, of course, villains trying to get in their way.

Kim Dokya liked being in his own world, filled with fantasy.

"Still, reality can't be avoided forever." Kim Dokya thought, while dramatically looking at the passing scenery from behind the glass, his reflection stared back.

Why did he agree to this again?

Simple, his mother asked him to do it, and just like his adoptive parents never tried to pressure him into anything, he himself tried to return the favor from time to time and play the part of a good son. Which is why he agreed to come to this party.

He already knew he'll soon come to regret going there.

His uncle, Zeus, already married six-time, and this is his seventh time. Alongside his other uncle, Poseidon, they both couldn't keep it in their pants and often cheated on their wives.

So it isn't that surprising they would divorce and remarry every couple of years.

In fact, Kim Dokya grew so accustomed to it, it became a tradition for them to hold a grand party celebrating his uncle's newly formed marriage, a tradition Kim Dokya would rather skip. But he knew that lack of his [appearance] would bring more trouble than it would avoid.

So, grudgingly, he would always agree. But really, he would never miss a chance to avoid them. They were too creepy for him to endure.

* * *

It was already noon when he woke up the next morning. Still half-asleep, he moved through his hotel apartment to freshen himself.

By the time he came out his parents already had someone deliver him a suit to wear for today's party. He already expected that they already confirmed his sense of fashion - or lack, therefore, was a disaster.

When he got dressed, he looked himself up and down in the mirror.
Kim Dokja has a thin face and pale skin. His hair is thin and black; he has long eyelashes and dark circles from his terrible sleeping schedule. He has a slender physique, skinny but still holding some muscles from the rare times he does some workout.

He is not ugly.

However, due to his previously mentioned non-existent fashion sense, he's always scolded for wearing plain clothes and making himself look like, in his friend's words, "old man in this late thirties," which hurts if you're still in your mid-twenties.

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