Stained Red

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Warning: Yandere Yoo Joonghyuk, gore, blood, character death, OOC.

The prompt for the 8th day is: "I'm not doing that again."

Dedicated to Lifeless-user for voting and commenting on my story. (Sorry it's not the best I might edit it later, lol)

__ - __

He laughed, hands shaking and blood covering every inch of his body. The force of his laughter caused him to hunch over and it turned hysterical, hot tears streamed down his face and he clutched at his hair, sword long abandoned on the ground.

Now, it was his fault again.

Rage mixed with hysterical despair at the thought of Kim Dokya never waking up again.

He brought his sword up.

He halted at the memories of his --- now deceased, companion. "Don't think that after regression something can change, live now!" Kim Dokya said those words to him, but now he's laying emotionlessly on the dirt next to Yoo Joonghyuk's feet.

His first death had left him devastated, so deep in his repressed emotions that the only thing on his mind at the time was to kill the 41st round Shin Yoosung, kill her for taking him away so soon.

His other deaths never got easier and each time Yoo Joonghyuk would be left wondering if he'll ever see Kim Dokya again, some hollow gold coins left to him from constellations who were trying to refuse their obvious responsibility in what happened to their Nebula's founder.
When three years passed Yoo Joonghyuk was already giving up, waiting for his death to naturally come, trying to respect his companion's wish to at least attempt to live his life properly.

And Yoo Joonghyuk never decided to try it, he was a coward. He was scared of not knowing if he will be able to meet Kim Dokja again or not. Kim Dokya was a one-time thing, something that became so precious to Yoo Joonghyuk for the very same reason.

All Yoo Joonghyuk could do was wait and hope Kim Dokya would find a way to come back, but he knew this time is the last chance he got and lost.

But, he also knew a chance can be made again.

 [Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is looking at Incarnation 'Yoo Joonghyuk']

Kim Dokya wanted him to live.

   "Not without you." He plunged the sword into his chest, just like he did once to Kim Dokya, and fell, his gaze landing on the man beside him whose faith he chooses to follow with his death.

  [Stigma 'regression' is activating.]

  [A temporary borrow of Stigma 'Time Travel' is finished]

* * *

An announcement from the speaker could be heard. Yoo Joonghyuk watches the disgustingly familiar sight of the subway while the clock is ticking. The dokkaebi appears, goes on with his instruction

And then the notifications appear out of thin air.

  [@BI-7623channel is open]

  [The constellation have entered]

Then as always, the first scenario arrives.

  [The main scenario has arrived]


  [Main Scenario #1 - Proof of Value]

  Category: Main

  Difficulty: F

  Clear Conditions: Kill one or more living things.

  Time Limit: 30 minutes

  Compensation: 300 coins

  Failure: Death

Yoo Joonghyuk quickly started killing the terrorists and the people around him.

"Is Kim Dokja at the front?" Kim Dokya was in the same car as Lee Hyungsung and Kim Namwoon who would die after Kim Dokya's decision and instead Joo Sangah and Lee Gilyoung would join them. Not that they were particularly helpful but his companion choose them, even if Yoo Joonghyuk wouldn't hesitate to cut their necks off right now.

Kim Dokya suffered because of them.
Kim Dokya chooses to suffer for him too.

And this time, he intended to completely use each one of them to ensure his life and death companion's survival in this ruined world.

After killing every person around him he moves to rearrange the explosive. Only minutes later the loud noise is heard and an explosion happens.

Yoo Joonghyuk walks through blown-up metal doors and looks for Kim Dokya through a small crowd of people who are yet to be killed for not finishing their first scenario. Their gaze meets.

They were finally reunited.

By the time the scenario countdown drops to zero, only six people come out of the subway. Kim Namwoon is left alive and Yoo Joonghyuk --- with greasy blood-soaked clothes, stands among them as they run across the bridge. Kim Namwoon is useful currently, helping Yoo Joonghyuk deal with Zombies abstracting their view.

* * *

Kim Dokja has regained most of his mental capacity at this point, his arms still shook heavily at the sight of Yoo Joonghyuk standing across him though.
They already finished the first two scenarios, now they are on the way to the next station.

Kim Dokya and Yoo Joonghyuk are left to walk behind all of them, just finishing their deal with dokkaebi.

Yoo Joonghyuk briefly and very vaguely explained to him how they already met. Kim Dokya listens until he finishes.

Jonghyuk reaches out with one hand and grabs Kim Dokya before the other can run away. This rat bastard always does.

   "Kim Dokja," the deep voice says, displeased. "Why are you always so difficult?"

Kim Dokya stays quiet. Not sure how to respond to something so vague

   "Look at me." He clasped his hand over his neck, tightly enough so he can' turn away. Kim Dokya winces and looks up anxiously "That's better."

   "I'll protect you," Yoo Jonghyuk says, moving closer to the other men. "You just need to stay with me, yes?"

   "Say it Kim Dokya, say you're sorry for leaving me, that you'll stay with me."

   "Yo-Yoo Joo-joonghyuk..." his grip is painfully strong on Kim Dokya's frail body.
He shakily moved his hands to gently nudge Yoo Joonghyuk away. The said man looked offended at the thought. "Do you want to leave me?" He accused, sharp rage filling his black narrows eyes.

   "No, I've just-"

  [Incarnation 'Yoo Joonghyuk' is using skill 'Lie Detection']

  [You have confirmed Kim Dokya's words are false.]

Suddenly, the protagonist's eyes completely lose all the emotions in them, his hand becomes even stronger around his companion's neck.

   "I don't remember meeting you..." Kim Dokya hurriedly explains, fearing for his life.

   "I'll let you know how much I love you even without the pain of our memories. You are my life and death companions after all." Strong calloused hands wrapped around Kim Dokya, bringing him into such a tight passionate embrace full of loving obsession.

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