You and I

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Rachel POV

Thursday, 17 June 2020

Again, this was a day we didn't want to think of. But we had a great time with our boys. Gwilym and I woke up kind of as if we had a hangover. Maybe it was even worse this time, because we didn't know when we were able to see each other again. Could be weeks, could be months. "Good morning love," He said with a raspy voice while he gave me a good morning kiss (which was already a tradition) "Please tell me it isn't Thursday yet." "I'm sorry, Gwil, I have to disappoint you..." I said. "I know, but fortunately we live in the century of internet, so we can facetime each other. There will be opportunities to see each other, maybe for only a weekend, but that's better than nothing, right?" Gwilym said. "You're right. And maybe you can introduce me to your parents on facetime? They're probably curious about their daughter-in-law." I said. "Well, that's a good idea! I think they'll love it!" Gwilym reacted enthusiastically. "Great! But we have to get up, it's already 11 a.m." I said.

We showered together, we made breakfast together, we watched a film together, we checked his suitcase together, we did everything together until it was time to go. Ben and Lola were here at 5 p.m. We thought it was easier to go to Schiphol with one car, so that's what we did. I was driving, so Ben and Lola sat on the backseat of the car. Gwilym grabbed my hand whenever it was possible and we stared at each other for a short time (I had to keep my eyes on the road). On our way to Schiphol we decided to pull over at a McDonald's to eat something, it was dinner time after all. It wasn't a very busy McDonald's restaurant, so we had some privacy. After we had dinner, it was time to leave and continue our way to the airport.

Once we arrived there, it was again a really hard time. Their plane would leave at 9.45 p.m., so we still had some time left before they had to go. "I love you so much Gwil, I hope that we can see each other again soon." I said. "I love you too, sweetheart. I'll try to visit you as much as I can, but in a few weeks, I have to be on set again. But I'll try, I promise you!" Gwilym told me. It really comforted me. Ben and Lola also had a hard time. I saw Lola's teary eyes and Ben trying to hide his tears while he tried to comfort her.

I wrote a little letter for Gwilym. "Please open this when you're home again." I said while I gave him the envelope with the hand-written letter inside. I thought about this a really long time, but yesterday evening I decided to do this. Gwilym was already sleeping, so I sneaked out of the bed to the kitchen table. I wrote the letter, put it in the envelope and put some dried flowers (poppy flowers, we both loved them) and a picture we took this week inside.

This is what in wrote in the letter:

Dearest Gwilym, love of my life,

You and I, true lovers. I really believe it was love at first sight.

When I saw you the moment we entered Ben's house for the first time, I immediately felt butterflies.

But they soon turned into sharks, because I was so in love and I still am.

You know I could never foresee the future years, but this was one of the best things that could've happened to me.

We will be together forever, just you and I.

Even if we're not by each other's side every moment, we will feel each other's presence every hour, every minute of the day.

Time doesn't mean a thing, when you're by my side.

I hope that you will think of me every time you see this picture and these flowers. Give them a nice place in your house, I'd love to see where you put them ;)

Take care, dear Gwilym. I hope to see you again soon and know that I'll always love you!

Lots of love, hugs and kisses,

xx Rachel

When it was time for them to go, we had a pretty intense kiss and we hugged for one last time. We waved at them as long as we could see them, but they soon disappeared. Lola and I walked away from the airport and returned home, both sad about missing our boyfriends.


*Sad poodle noises*

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