Some day, one day

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Lola and I walked away from the airport and returned home, both sad about missing our boyfriends.


Rachel POV

It was lunch break. The students I was teaching just left the classroom, when Gwilym facetimed me. "Hi honey, are you busy?" He asked. "Ehm no not really, what's up?" "Well, I just got a call from the municipality and they told me everything is official now. From December you will be a citizen of London!" He said. "Ah that's great Gwil!" I was relieved "It is! How's your last week of work?" "Yeah, it's hard, I'm gonna miss my job. But the most important thing is that I'm going to live in London with you! I can't handle more of that long-distance relationship..." "Same for me, I want to be with you every day, not only when we have vacation." We talked a bit more, but it was soon time to go, because my next lesson would start in a couple of minutes. "Bye darling, love you!" "Bye Gwil, love you more!" In about 4 weeks, Lola and I were moving to London...

Monday, 21 December 2020

Today was the big day: Lola and I were moving to London! We wanted to be there before Christmas, so we could celebrate it with our boyfriends. We both had a hard time with the long-distance relationship. Luckily, I was able to visit Gwilym every school holiday and he was able to visit me in some weekends. For Ben and Lola, it was a bit more difficult. Lola didn't have that many holidays, so they saw each other less.

During our last visits we already brought a lot of things to London, so we only had to take our suitcases with us. "I'm so excited omg! But on the other side I'm sad to leave The Netherlands and my parents." Lola said to me. "I feel the exact same way, Lola. It's so weird to leave our country where we lived for over 25 years..." I responded. We were on our way to Schiphol. Our parents were driving right behind us so they could say goodbye to us at the airport.

After a long and emotional goodbye, Lola and I were finally on our way to our new homes. It felt kind of weird, but we were also really excited. We both had to find new jobs. For me it was a bit more difficult than for Lola, because Dutch isn't taught at schools in England. But I was sure that I would find a new job that I would enjoy.

Once we found our baggage at Heathrow, we headed to the arrival halls as fast as we could. As soon as we walked through the doors, we saw Ben and Gwilym waiting for us with 'welcome home' balloons. I started crying immediately and ran into Gwilym's arms. I have no idea what Lola did, because Gwilym was the only thing that mattered at that moment. "I'm so happy you're here, Rachel!" "Me too, I will never leave you again. I can't live without you anymore." I said.

When we got to the parking lot, Lola and I both went our own ways. She was going with Ben and I was going with Gwilym. It felt weird to go our own ways, but it was the new reality for us.

When we entered Gwilym's house, I saw that he bought a lot of garlands and balloons. "Ahw you're so sweet!" I said smiling. "Yeah, it's the least I can do, right? But there's more! Do you have a moment?" He asked. "Eh yeah sure. I'll sit down and wait." A few minutes later he came back. "Follow me." Gwilym took my hand and guided me upstairs. When we entered the bedroom (our bedroom, from now on :)), I saw candles and rose petals everywhere. Gwilym also had a bottle of champagne and two glasses. "Well, we have to celebrate that you're here right?" He said with a wink. We popped the champagne and snuggled on the bed. What happened next is for your own imagination...


God, I love them so much.

StrangersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora