Good times are now

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Once I laid down, I fell asleep in Gwilym's arms with a big smile on my face.


Lola POV

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

"Good morning honey", I said to Ben while I gave him a sweet little kiss on his forehead. "Hi baby", he answered with his raw morning voice. "Are you excited for today?", I asked him. "Hell yes. Will you already tell me what we're going to do?" "No" "Can you give me a hint?" "No, well, yes actually. Fairy tales." "Fairy tales?" "Fairy tales."

During breakfast, Ben asked for another hint. "Ehmm, Arabian Nights." I made his confused face even go worse, if that's even possible.

"Can you guys PLEASE tell us where we're going?", Gwilym asked Rachel and me. The guys both sat at the backseat, I was driving, Rachel sat next to me. We looked at each other with a grin. "You little boys have to be patient", she said. "But can you please give us another hint?", Gwilym asked. "Alright, let me think. Fun." "FUN?!", Ben and Gwilym said while they looked at each other.

"Where are we?", Ben asked. "We, my darling, are at The Efteling, the biggest theme park in the Netherlands", Rachel said with a huge smile. "Theme park? As in, roller coasters?", Gwilym asked. "Yes handsome, roller coasters", Rachel answered.

"Guys, I think this wasn't a good idea", I said while I was looking down. The boys really love roller coasters, but Rachel and I don't. But we decided to go with them, one time. Unfortunately, they chose the scariest one. It's called Baron 1898, look it up. "Don't worry baby, I'm with you", Ben said comforting. I grabbed his hand and one second later, we fell down.

"Never again", Rachel said with messy hair. "Good plan", I said. The rest of the day we enjoyed the other attractions of the park. Rachel and I both shared stories about our childhood and that we both went to The Efteling at least once a year. Once again, we had a great time.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Today was the last day that the boys were in the Netherlands, tomorrow they were going to leave. Last night, we went to Rachel's and ordered fries and some typical Dutch snacks. Ben and I fell asleep on the couch. During breakfast, we were discussing what we were going to do this last day. "Do you guys remember what we did in London when we had no idea what to do?", I said. "Yeah, didn't we go to the London Zoo?", Gwilym said. "Yes, that's it", I said, "Why don't we go to the zoo. Let's make it some kind of tradition." "I think that's a great idea baby", Ben said. "I agree", Rachel said.

And once again, we were on our way. This time, we played a game where you have to guess what kind of animals the others are. It fitted in the whole 'zoo' theme. "Lola, I swear, if you choose a dolphin, I'll have to kill you", Rachel said. "Well, if you choose a dog, I'll have to kill you too", I laughed. "Ladies, we can all murder each other but then who would be left to play this game?", Ben said. "Did you just almost quoted Rami's line in the movie?", Gwilym said. "Noooo.......", Ben said. "NOT THE COFFEE MACHINE!"


I swear, I can quote the whole freaking movie. 

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