Chillin' Like A Villain

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The Gladers did not go to school. They stayed in the Glade most of the time, working like adults. There were three schools on the island; Dragon Hall, Serpent Prep and the school which mostly consisted of the offspring of wicked witches. It wasn't until the vultures stopped sending food and resources that the Gladers needed to venture the villainous part of the island; mostly they had kept to themselves, as had the VKs. Their lack of evilness, however, was certain to encourage people to talk; which was dangerous, especially if they had to live among these people.

Nevertheless, Thomas, Alby, Newt and Gally left the Glade the next morning, and make their way out onto the bustling, grey streets. "Where are we supposed to find one timid boy in this shuck place?" Gally asks.

"Timid boy?" Two voices asked at once; "are you talking about Carlos de Vil?" The four Gladers turned to see two identical boys, with thick hair and muscular bodies.

"Yeah," Alby replied, stepping forward, "do you know where he might be?"

"Hell Hall," one of the twins stated bluntly.

"Where's that?" Gally asked. The boys snicker, before pointing at an impressive-looking castle looming over a Goblin shop. Newt limped towards it, Thomas beside him.

"Thanks," Alby murmured, before following after him. The two twins laughed and cackled as the four naïve Gladers approached the door to Bargain Castle.


Newt knocked tentatively on the door. "GO AWAY!" screeched a voice from the other side. Newt yelped as he jumped backwards.

"We're just looking for Carlos!" Thomas shouted back. Suddenly, the door is flung open in front of them to reveal a woman wearing a black and purple gown, horns on her head. She wasn't Cruella de Vil, this was Maleficent.

"What makes you brats think that I know where Carlos is?"

"Ah, the Mistress of Evil herself!" Thomas smiled, extending his arms; trying to be brave and casual despite the fact that he was terrified, his legs trembling: the twin brothers had made it look so simple to deceive someone, what could Maleficent - who was so much more powerful, cunning and deviant than the two of them combined do? "I've met your daughter, Mal," he continued, "she's wonderfully vile! Incredibly wicked! Callously-..."

"Get to the point, twerp," Maleficent ordered dismissively. She didn't even want to hear about the evil deeds of her own daughter? Or perhaps she could tell that Thomas was trying to keep from being cursed.

"Can we speak to her?" The evil fairy sighed, before turning behind her:

"MAL! Come down here, you have guests!" When Mal saw Thomas, she smirked and told her mother that she was going to be outside for a while, before slamming the door shut behind her and glaring at the boys:

"What do you want: vengeance?"

"No," Thomas replied quickly, "we didn't mean to turn up here; a pair of twins told us this was Hell Hall."

"Ha," Mal cackled, "you got pranked by the Gastons? What are you even doing on the Isle? Hell Hall is that way," she points to another direction, standing on her toes to emphasise its distance. Newt asks if she can take them to it. "As if I'd help you," she seethed, before thinking for a moment. Wait, these guys are fresh meat! They'll never see a bad hit coming. "Alright, I'll take you."

"Really?" Gally asked.

"Yeah; just as long as you remember that you owe me a favour," Mal smirked.

"We'll find it hard to forget," replied Alby as they begun following her through the streets.


"Hey, Mal," a voice called from above. Jay jumped down from the battered roof of an about-to-crumble-looking shack, tossing and catching a small purple box in his hand as he walked towards the group. Mal snatched it from his hand and shoved it in her pocket.


"Hey, our friend Minho met you," Thomas said to the thief. Jay nodded slowly in recognition, despite being intrigued at how naturally Thomas had called Minho a 'friend'.

"A7," Jay replied, before turning back to Mal; "where are you taking these Gladers? Aren't they a bit 'goody-goody' for you?" Mal rolled her green eyes:

"I'm taking them to Hell Hall and they'll owe me a favour," she explained. Jay nodded approvingly, before following them to Cruella and Carlos de Vil's house.


During their walk, a cockier-than-Jay-and-Minho-combined-looking VK mumbles at the group as he walks past; "not you guys, too," he spits. "Carlos was helping Gladers yesterday."

"You think we're helping them?" Mal growls: Suddenly, a machete is at the VK's neck, and two boys are holding him in place while another boy - unbeknownst to the others - slips his hand into his pocket.

"You leave Mal alone," Alby sneers viciously, almost in a cold whisper. The VK nods in reply; fear evident in his grey eyes. "Now shuck off, slinthead." He didn't need to speak Glader to know what he meant; Newt draws back his machete and the foolish-feeling Villain Kid scurries off. Mal and Jay look at the Gladers, awestruck. "In the Glade," Alby begins, "we work together." Thomas tosses Mal a bag full of what sounded like jangling coins - which he stole from the VK.


After escaping many baffled glances and inaudible murmurs on the streets of the Isle, Mal pounded on the heavy door to the terrifying-looking edifice of Hell Hall: A hoarse screech from inside ordered Carlos to open the door. When he did, he was happy to see Newt but less happy to see Mal and Jay. "Hey Mal, Jay, Newt," he greeted politely, nodding to each of them as he said their names, before looking at Thomas, Alby and Gally.

"I'm Gally, A8, this shank is Thomas, A2 and this is Alby," Gally explains. Carlos nodded and greeted them.

"CARLOS! WHO IS AT THE DOOR?" The same hoarse voice screeched from inside Hell Hall. "YOU'RE LETTING A DRAFT IN, DARLING." Carlos stammered, unsure of what to say. Slowly, a woman with messy, half-black, half-white hair stepped out from the shadows inside the terrifying edifice and moved to stand next to the boy. Her black-and-white ermine fur coat trailed at her ankles; on which were two red high heels. "Ah, Mal, send your mother my love, darling. Jay, tell your father his wretched fox-fur gloves are fake!" She pulled them from her deep pockets and tossed them at the boy. "And as for you four," she says, looking at the Gladers, "I presume you're here to help Carlos clean my baby."

"Baby?" Gally asked, stepping backward in disgust.

"Her... car," Carlos replied timidly, looking down at his scuffed red boots.

The Gladers from the Isle (ABANDONED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ