Coronation Battle

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Aris was sitting in the vehicle that had come to collect them from the Isle. Climbing up the rope was difficult in itself and getting through the barrier seemed to drain all the energy from his bones. He was breathing heavily now, after having to help pull Rachel into the helicopter. It was a close save: she'd nearly fallen. "Thanks, Aris," she said to him.

He shrugged. "We have to stick together, right?"

The four teens from Group B stared out the side of the helicopter as they made their way to Auradon. They flew high over green grass and the most beautiful meadows they'd ever seen -- not that there was much competition on the Isle.

The buildings were even more impressive: Massive castles, colourful villages, and even some ancient historical ruins. Not that they knew anything about those, either.

The helicopter made an abrupt turn. Where were they going? The beautiful meadows were becoming fewer and farther between. There was one final castle, and then no more in sight. The teens paid no mind: anywhere would be better than the Isle, wouldn't it?

After about half an hour, the helicopter landed north of Auradon Central, where the Flare virus was being prevented from getting in by high walls and strict regulations.

"Where exactly are we going?" Aris shouted over the wind and the chopping blades of the helicopter.

"You'll find out soon enough." Was the rough response from the pilot.

They landed on a makeshift helipad surrounded by sand and were greeted by two people wearing gas masks and holding rifles. "A warm welcome, huh?" Harriet whispered to Sonya.

"Listen up," one of them shouted, her voice hoarse. "We've got direct orders to prepare you for something known as the Scorch Trial. You will be put through some basic training, before being exposed to what the virus can really do to people."

"Why?" Rachel asked. "I thought we were going somewhere nice?"

"The world's not nice, not since this bleedin' virus! You've got to be prepared. So, come with us and we'll get started."

The woman had been given a string of lies to twirl when the teens started asking questions. A safety precaution, no doubt. They had to make Auradon look more rough-and-tumble than it was so the teens would be more permissive.


Meanwhile, in Auradon, Ben was being prepared for his coronation. Teresa was still avoiding the Glader boys and sat quietly by herself, at the edge of her seat -- for now.

As the ceremony was being declared, and the Fairy Godmother produced her wand, she leapt out of her seat, ran to the stage and snatched it from her hand. Everyone was so stunned that no one moved to stop her. "I am using this wand to get rid of the Flare virus!" She declared. Bright sparks flew from the wand in all different directions as she tried to control its power. But she was human: not an ounce of magic ran through her veins. "Bibbity, Bobbity, Boo!"

The Glader boys looked at one another, experiencing a strong bout of second-hand embarrassment. All Teresa could do was reverse the last spell that the wand had cast, which was the magic that kept the Isle of the Lost locked away from the outside world. Within seconds, Teresa was restrained and the wand was snatched from her by Mal. Everyone stared at the VK, fearing what she would do with such a powerful instrument. She had magic, after all. Carlos, Evie and Jay were standing behind her.

With a swirl of green smoke, Maleficent made an appearance on the blue carpeted aisle. "I'm back!" She sang, brandishing her green-orbed staff.

"Go away, mother," Mal said, pressing her hand to her forehead. The Glader boys looked at one another. Another embarrassing moment. 

Maleficent laughed. "Give me the wand," she instructed, extending her palm. Mal defied her and threw the wand to the Fairy Godmother. But Maleficent was skilled in her magic. Even though she hadn't used it for sixteen years, it was well woven into every fibre of her wicked being.

"Bibbity, Bobbity-"

"Boo!" Maleficent declared as she struck the base of her staff to the ground. For a long moment, everyone was petrified: their eyes stuck open as though glued to the events unravelling before them. Even if they could move, what could they do? None of them had been trained for things like this, the Godmother had made sure of that. The descendants of fearless warriors and just royals were playing sports in a field and rewriting Maths equations in their books. And what had that taught them for things that were truly important? They couldn't defend themselves if their lives depended on it. And their lives did depend on it.


When the audience regained their consciousness, but not their mobility, they looked at Mal with relief as she held the wand in her hand, staring with bright green eyes at her mother, defiant: She was on the side of the 'heroes'.

"You... will regret this," her mother whispered, before conjuring a choking cloud of green smoke which surrounded her body and swirled up toward the ceiling.

She had transformed herself into a huge purple-and-green dragon. With each flap, she sent a gust of air to the ground, whipping through the VKs' hair. She opened her jaws, revealing sharp yellowed teeth, and sent a barrage of green flames toward Jay. He fled and hid behind one of the stone columns of the hall.

"Magic Mirror, shine a bright light!" Evie instructed as Jay rejoined the group, hiding behind her.

"Get behind me," Mal said as she stepped forward. "Leave them alone!" She held the wand in her hand, ready. "The strength of evil is as good as none when stands before four hearts as one," she chanted three times, her green eyes staring into those of her dragon mother's. Her willpower was stronger than it had been on the Isle. Her emerald eyes gleamed. She'd won.

With another puff of smoke, Maleficent was transformed into a tiny lizard.

"She has transformed to the amount of love in her heart," the Godmother stated as she stepped forward. "Which is why it's so... itty bitty."

Mal stared at her mother-turned-lizard, the glow from her eyes fading. The danger had dissipated. Her boyfriend, Ben, was to be crowned King of Auradon. The barrier to the Isle would remain shut. Just what else could possibly go wrong?

The Gladers from the Isle (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now