Making Chemistry

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Evie was sat between Thomas and Doug in their Chemistry lesson; Newt and Mal were on another table. The raven-haired girl was gazing adoringly at Chad, through the science apparatus on the table between them. "Any chance he's in line for a throne? Anywhere in line?"

"Chad: Prince Charming Jr. Cinderella's son?" Doug profiled. Evie gasped; instantly (and obviously) recognising the name. "Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of 'there' there. Know what I mean?" Evie disagreed and chose to stare at the boy instead of doing her work. Thomas and Doug collectively shook their heads disapprovingly.

"Evie," the teacher began, noticing that she wasn't doing any work. He hadn't been nice to the VKs and Gladers at all since they'd arrived. "Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?"

"Well, not very much. I mean, it's an atom, right?" Was the best reply she could come up with. She and Chad laughed as Doug and Thomas cringed. The teacher was not amused, either, and beckoned her to the front. On her way, however, she slipped her hand into her bag and took out what was left of her mother's scrying mirror. This was only seen by Thomas and Mal. Evie took the small piece of chalk from the teacher, "let's see, how do I find the average atomic weight of silver? That would be... 106.905 x 0.5200 + 108.905 x 0.4800, which, Mr Delay would give us, 107.9 amu."

"'Amu'?" Doug whispered to himself, amused. It was 'atomic mass unit'.

"I forget... always a mistake to underestimate a-"

"A villain?" Evie asked, whipping her raven-blue hair as she turned back to look at him, "don't make it again," she tossed the chalk piece to him and took a piece of paper that Chad handed her. When she sat down, she read it; Meet me under bleachers at 3. She nodded her affirmation at the prince.

"I don't think you should do that," Thomas whispered - when Mr Delay wasn't looking - as he did his work.

"Why not?" Evie whispered back.

"You're from the Isle, I thought you would know a trustworthy guy from a bad one."

"You forget that I was raised and kept in a castle for ten years, I didn't do much socialising", she whispered as she scribbled down answers to the Chemistry questions on her sheet.

"Right, well I did, and I'm telling you this is a bad idea."

"Is there a problem, Tom?" Chad asked.

"Don't call me that." Only Teresa was allowed to call him that. Just as only Newt was allowed to call him 'Tommy'.

"Chad," Evie began with a sweet smile, "please leave my friend alone - he doesn't mean any harm."

"Of course," Chad replied. Thomas could have hit him if they were back in the Isle. Not that he would have.

Mal and Newt were quietly doing their worksheets together. "Is this one right?" Mal asked, as she pointed to one of her written answers.

"The '2' is smaller," Newt began, "it's for the Hydrogen atom, not the Oxygen one." he knew she and the VKs didn't want to stay in Auradon - he wasn't so sure about the place himself yet - but that didn't mean he shouldn't help where he could.

"Ah," Mal replied, before thanking the Glader. She, Evie, Carlos and Jay had been friends with each other and a few of the Gladers for a whole year now. She would be forever grateful for that, even if she didn't show it.


During their break, Ben was with Carlos, Minho and Thomas on the field. "Okay, we're gonna do some sprints," Ben began. He was holding a clipboard and stopwatch and standing on one end of the killzone. Carlos, Minho and Thomas were on the other end. "Minho, you first, then Thomas, then Carlos." The boys murmured affirmative replies, before Ben blew the whistle for Minho to run. The prince wrote down his time on the clipboard, and then blew the whistle again for Thomas. Minho looked over Ben's shoulder at the results and whispered a 'yes' as he saw that he was a few milliseconds faster than Thomas. "You ready?" Ben called to Carlos, who ran as fast as he could as a little dog barked while chasing him.

"No, wait, no! Ahhh!" Carlos screamed. Ben clicked the stopwatch and smiled, before he turned to see Minho and Thomas chasing the boy into the forest. He followed after them, and the tiny barking dog.

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