Replicator Prank

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Goon squad backed away quickly as they saw the hissing metal bugs form and protect me. Bakugo recognized them, "So you made the backpack thieves!!" I laughed and stood up, "You threw it at them and I guess the mistook your rip off bag as trash." I start to head to the door when suddenly I heard a blast against metal behind me. What I saw made me smile more, "Interesting, they formed a wall in less than a second. That's a new record. Anyways lunch time."

I left with my replicators around me in a circle with two on the ceiling. Everyone avoided my replicators as Queen got onto my back and shoulder taking my bags of holding back. I ate lunch alone and messed with my replicators. We tried many forms and I was easily able to use them as armor. With my testing done I headed back inside with my replicators calmed down and had them become the bag again.

Bakugo was growling and the teacher said they would do a job apprehension test but everyone wanted to be a hero. Show of quirks except Bakugo. He says he will get in to UA alone and the rest of us are "Extras". Seriously, does he think he is a main character in a manga or something? Then the teacher caused the best thing possible. He said I wanted to enter UA. Bakugo instantly tried to blast my head off.

Of course, he failed hard. My replicators were already defending me and the queen hissed at him angrily. "Bakugo don't try again. Queen is starting to hate you and you just met her before lunch." Everyone was shocked as I glared at Bakugo. "What is this shit nerd?! You've been hiding your quirk from me?" I began to laugh sounding a bit crazy, "Nope, just a late bloomer and my quirk is yet to be named."

I then saw something pop up next to me. It was a floating scroll with a replicator drawn on it and a note. "Quirk Upgrade: Unlocked Replicator King, Unsettling Laugh, Race shift, and Class Shift." I read it and watched the scroll burn up. "Can I spit on him your highness? I want to make him scream!!" I was stunned until I realized I understood it was Queen talking in clear English.

"Don't spit, don't need the nuclear pomeranian getting madder. Plus your acid helps you turn metal into more of you guys. His face would be unrecognizable." Everyone quickly backed away except Bakugo, he just growled, "What did that metal roach say?" I then realized that I can understand them, they were still talking through clicks. "Queen wants to make you scream in pain but I told her no. Also back off, I have a lot more replicators than just the ones you see here." He swung and I ducked easily, so predictable.

While Queen was hissing I noticed that one of my replicators had snuck over to a big window and opened it. The bell rang signaling the end of school and I chuckled, "You know what? You always tell me to take a swan dive off the roof. I'll just jump out the window." With the help of my replicators I jumped out the window. As I fell they became metal wings and I flew away laughing as Queen spoke. "That was interesting to see. You enjoying flying your majesty?"

After a bit we landed near a bridge and all but Queen became a backpack again. "This power of mine is interesting. I think I will call it Replicator King so people will underestimate us." Queen agreed and suddenly stiffened looking at a manhole cover, "Something is under that. It moved some as if to peek then quickly closed." I smirked, "Come out sewer dweller. Queen saw you move the manhole cover."

Out came a slime villain. He groaned, "I was going to sneak attack you. Oh well, you're my new host!" Slime for brains tried to attack me only for my pets to trap him. He was put into an air tight cage made with replicator blocks. That's when All Might showed up. "Um, where did the villain go?" I pointed to the box and kicked it. This resulted in audible cursing from the slime. "My quirk is quite flexible."

As he looked at a Replicator Block he coughed up blood and started to steam. "Queen block all exits, reinforce cage." A flood of Replicator Blocks flew out of its bag and closed off the underpass, even the manhole was reinforced. The steam stopped and I saw a sickly skeleton. "Don't tell anyone about this! I dont need people worrying." I walked over and popped my knuckles, "I will if you keep what I'm about to do a secret."

DND Quirk (COMPLETE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin