The right path and choice

Start bij het begin

He then reaches the closest he can be to them and sees young man and asks him foe details about the figures and who made them? He describes how master Kayana made each by hand after receiving a oracle from Lady Eternina herself about how it will bring great protection for them. Zane then remembers the progress bar on his interface and it said that they created the Temple of the Great here, He then recalls receiving more PP after that. Putting that aside he prays they way he is instructed to by the young man and the here's Eternina speak to him real quick about her asking to have this made right and apologizes for not asking him before hand.He says its fine and says they are doing a good job and then says bye and leaves the temple.

He then walks around and returns to his inn and they goes to sleep, when he wakes up before sunrise and walks to the town center where a large stage of stone is and standing on top is Kayana with two large logs behind her. Zane smiles and jumps on the stage to see a long table on the back with hundred of tools on the table. Kayana approaches him speaks,

Kayana ( well I see you are not as smart as I thought you were, but I like you vigor sport now show me you are not all talk boy. You can use any tool on the table and the like. She shows him to the table and he looks over it and sees what he gots to work with, while looking a certain something caught his eyes and he smiles and picks it up. he then turns around and says

Zane ( I choose this one and no other and refuse to use any other)

 As he looks at Kayana who is showing a small smile and accepts his words then turns around and then calls the start of the event, sits in front of his log and then takes the tool and carves the first streak out of the log. Once he does it again Kayana stares at him with a look of how, seeing the young man carve with the tool of his choice and not faking it.

Zane knows why she makes that look as he progresses into making the sculpture, the tool he choose is the the same chisel he made for her and knows that only those truly worth to wield it can but those who don't it won't even carve no mater how much force they use. He uses the chisel easily on the log and activates the skill he bought called Sculpting Master, which makes him unrivaled to any less than a god to sculpt against.

The sculpting progress as both sweat in the sun but remain unaffected by it and do as they can to make sure their creation. Soon hours go by and when sunset comes they both finish their works and step back. Then they look over at each others what, Kayan made a figure of the great god holding a child in his hands that has looks content. It was made beautifully and seems alive as it has no imperfections at all. Then Kayana looks at Zanes and her eyes go wide, made a large tree with marks that seem natural and organic, with branches and leaves  that seem alive. 

Kayana runs her hands over the tree and feels as if it was grown from the ground, She notices the roots look as they seem embedded. She could not look away from Zane's creation and checks every detail and wants to engrain these textures into her own. She then looks at him and says

Kayana ( Its my loss you are the better crafter.)

Hearing this the whole audience looks at her with stunned expressions, hearing that the woman who single handily built up this town. They did not process it right away and when it clicked their was out rage at Zane as the people slander him believing it to be a trick, then Kayana yells at the crowd and glares at them,

Kayana ( Shut up you fools, do you not see the beautiful piece in front of you. Then you do not deserve to become craftmens, He is worthy of this win and here is the proof you need.)

She takes the chisel out of his hand and puts it up and the complete silence takes hold of the audience. She then turns and looks at Zane and speaks,

Kayana ( He is the only other person to be able to not only wield and can use the Divine Chisel blessed to me by the gods. Now do you understand fools that he is just as worthy maybe even more. )

She turns to him and he nods looking at her gaze and they start to walk back, after she order some of her men to carry back the sculptures. Back at the main building and in her private office Zane is sitting across from her at a table and she holds the chisel in her hand and looking at him and asks,

Zayana ( Are you also blessed by the gods? Did they send you here to challenge me and why? Have I not served them good enough?) 

She looks at Zane with a look of concern thinking that she has failed in some way, he exhales and the speaks, 

Zane ( I have not been blessed by the gods, and I have come here to keep you in check. You have grown Stale and your thoughts arrogant.)

Kayana ( Then why have I not been told?)

Zane ( Well now you have been shown that you are not the only one who can create beauty, and that you must keep your mind open and thoughts keen.)

Kayana ( I have grow stagnate in my ways? I have disappointed the Gods how can I redeem myself.)

Zane ( You have not failed you have just grown too arrogant, and need to sometimes and remember to sit down and be humble.)

Kayana ( Sit down and be humble, these are the words they want you to pass me.)

Zane ( Yes and follow this mindset and you will be rewarded for staying true to their following.)

Kayana looks at him with eyes as dedicated as ever and understands his words, he then gets up and leaves Kayana to her self. Then he leaves the building and returns to the inn and returns to his space.

When back at his space he is greeted by Infintino  and sits on his throne, he looks at both sides and then raises both of his hands and two new thrones built on both sides of his on a smaller detail. He looks at Infintino and then shows his hand to him and he looks and understands Zekes intent. He sits on the left throne to Zeke and has a smile on his face showing he is proud to sit next him.

He then plays the world forward and watch how Zane who was now his own self now with a preset of details and makes waves along side Kayana who works together with each other as they made more and more making more crafts. Then he stops the world to regular time that is when Kayana's deathbed, Zeke watches the scene fold out as Kayana's children and so forth gather around her and are crying. She asks them to have a private moment with Zane, doing as told they do and she is now alone with him. Zeke Decends into Zanes body and looks at her he then says,

Zane ( Kayana it is your time to pass on.) 

Kayana( Yes it has Zane and now I can rest in piece with the gods and craft for them.)

Zane ( Would you like to keep crafting?)

Kayana looks into Zanes amber eyes and thinks why he is asking such questions, Zane's Eyes shine bright and Kayanas face shows intrigue. He then looks at her and she could tell that this was not One but some one else, and begins to speak,

Zeke ( Would you like to keep crafting?)

Kayana ( Who are you?)

Zeke( I will tell you after you after you answer)

Kayana looks at him some more and then says,

Kayana ( Yes i do, I want to create beautiful works and help improve those around me, I want to craft and let nothing stop me.

Zeke smiles at her and the stands up[ and puts himself in the front of the bed and puts his arms behind his back, he speaks once again,

Zeke ( Then you shall, your reward for following the gods way and correcting you ways after straying a bit, I give you the chance to become a god.)

Well you died and are now GOD.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu