•The New kid•

Start from the beginning

Even if defeat waited for them at the end of the journey along with disappointment and scorn. The journey itself was very beautiful. The people annoying but caring and extremely loving and though Dev was sad he didn't get to play. He beileved Virat when he said he wasn't ready.

He trusted his captain even though he gave absolutely ridiculous nickname.

And then he had a dream season in the Vijay hazre trophy. All the training, all of Virat's ridiculous advices working in his favour and he couldnt wait for the IPl to begin. He couldn't wait to be in RCB again. And though, corona times was scaring the start of IPl was like a healing slave.

He was back under the wings of his annoying Vi bhaiya though he was surprised the way Vi bhai encouraged Shivam. He thought Virat bhai will be angry on Shivam after the NZ disaster. He wouldn't let him play, he regretted his presence in RCB (social media comments made it seem so)  but the opposite happened. Virat encouraged Shivam, Nav and everyone. 

Most of the days, he found them folking around Vi, laughing, teasing and demanding. Yuzi bhai told him it was fine to whine to Virat bhai. He wouldn't mind much. Dev trusted his Yuzi bhai too.

So, he began asking Virat bhai for advice both professionally and personally. He was uncomfortable at first and then he didn't know how he had lived so many days without unloading all his feelings on Virat. It was a freeing feeling.

Getting his debut cap from Virat, a dream  and his debut performance and the heaps of praises he received from everyone especially Virat, a dream come true. Well, every moment in RCB feels like a dream come true to him.

Though stealing chocolates with Yuzi bhai was still his fav task.

Right now,  he was in Virat bhai's room. Waiting for Virat bhai to finally get out of the washroom so they can go for dinner. Yuzi bhai, Nav and Shivam had already accompanied bhabi to dinner. It was sort of an evening habit of them to go to dinner together.

Well, it was started by Yuzi bhai actually, after the practice match that he won against Virat bhai. Coming to Bhabi and cheerfully saying "how are you today, little Viratee"

"Yuzi chachu was awesome wasn't he?"

"I defeated your dada. Well, no surprise their after all I give him batting tips,"

Yuzi bhai has said so boastingly back then Nushkie bhabi was chuckling, Virat bhai looked exasperated. Like he couldn't quite beileve what he was hearing.

"Little Viratee, really"

"Its predecided name, cheeky bhaiya and it's also unisex" Yuzi bhaiya said in a duh tone.

Virat bhai facepalmed. Nushkie bhabi had laughed madly.

But it had started this boasting game, every day at evening they (here they means; Nav, Shiv, Washy, Yuzi, Dev) will gather in Virat bhai's room and boast about their achievements to bhabi and the baby whom Yuzi bhaiya called "Viratee," Shiv bhaiya called "lil tiger", Nav, Washy and Dev stuck with baby. After match days, the boasting was quite intense. Everyone wanted their praises and Virat bhai looked at all of them like he didn't quite know what to do with them?

They loved those moments though, in those moments they truly felt like a family. A true family.

And right now, he was waiting for Virat bhai. They'll go to dinner together and Dev wanted to whine about being not a bad pool handball player. He would be in Vi bhaiya's team next time. Huh, Virat bhai won't call him terrible on the field.

He was still musing on how to whine to Virat bhai and how to get Virat bhai's bat. Yuzi bhai had already nicked one. When Virat bhai's phone rang.

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