4- I'm daiting my student

81 9 12

I watched her as she entered the classroom, I couldn't make a move on her, *Dramatic pause*. Because *Looks outside the window dramatically* I was her teacher *Everyone gasps*

Yet they get married.....Sigh....That really happens every day......But don't we love them? Waiting in suspense when he gives her a detention. Will he make a move? Have they locked the door?

Why is it pretty always a male teacher and female student anyway? The young new teacher, previously hooked up with a girl he thought was over 18 at a bar, only to discover that she is one of the students in his new school. He gives her a detention, where they lock the door and make out.

But don't we love them?

The danger of them getting caught...

The way he would risk losing his job for her!

The way they wait for her to turn 18!

The way it's so commonly realistic...Wait!

It's not 😑 *_*

Sound like a book you read? I think so....

If there are any books that don't follow the cliche story line, please share. >>>>

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