He continued to say everyone else's guardian spirit, ignoring the boys sometimes, and I noticed Nendou walk over and asked what his guardian spirit is.

But Toritsuka-kun just ignored him for I don't know the reason. He continued doing that while Nendou bothered him.

'Well, guess Nendou won't know what his guardian spirit is.'

Time Skip
School ended and here I am walking together with Saiki-san and Toritsuka-kun. And with Nendou still asking him what his guardian spirit is. Saiki-san told Toritsuka-kun to tell who his's is to stop bothering them. 

"Argh! Shut up! I told you to stop following me around!"

Then all of a sudden, Toritsuka-kun swings his bag at Nendou. That made me shriek a little.

His action made me confused. Then all of sudden, he touched Nendou.

"Huh? You're not a ghost?!"

"So, you thought he was a ghost?

"But! You've been ignoring him as if you couldn't see him!!"

"I can see him. I just choose to ignore him."

Nendou rubbed his hurting side.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

"No way. Seriously? Ah! It's true! I see an old hag behind him!!"

"What do you mean an old hag, you jerk?!!"

I sighed at the commotion. After some time, I, Saiki-san, and Toritsuka-kun continued walking. They were ahead of me and seem like to whisper something.

"Saiki-san, why is the beauty following us? I have to show you something that you wouldn't want her to find out."

I sighed at this and made me a little sad. What. Am I not that trustworthy? Oh, maybe it's because we just met? Yeah, maybe that.

"Uh. So yeah. Saiki-san, I'm going now. Seems like someone doesn't want me to be with them. Yeah, bye."

I turned around to go in the opposite direction only to be stopped by someone pulling me by the back collar of my shirt.

"She can join in. She's a psychic too."


"You didn't ask."

"Even so!!! I'm so sorry, beautiful, for I may have hurt your feelings.

"Uh. It's fine, Toritsuka-kun. I get it. Don't worry. I understand."

"Such a goddess!"

"So, what is it that you gotta show me. It's the reason why you thought Nendou is a ghost, right?"

"Yeah. Come here."

We arrived at a shrine to see nothing.

"Touch me with your psychometry, Saiki-san. This is the reason."

Saiki-san touched Toritsuka-kun with his psychometry and saw something. Which I don't see since I don't have psychometry.

Saiki-san looked at me and grabbed my hand to touch his not transparent gloved hand and touch Toritsuka-kun.

"That's my guardian spirit."

Then I get to see..... Nendou sleeping.
What? WHAT?! I looked at Saiki-san for an explanation.

"He's Nendou's father. He's the split image of Nendou that caused this pervert to mistake Nendou from this guy."

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