"Two more," Harry said. Immediately following, Goyle emerged from the fireplace. "Goyle, you made it. Everyone, this is my friend Goyle. Everyone except Dudley would already know that though. Goyle, you know everyone except Dudley, Harry's cousin. Well, you should know Dean and Seamus although you've never met. Goyle nodded. "Hey, Weasley?" Goyle asked. "Call me Ron... Wait, you talk?" Draco laughed. "Very funny Ron. Yes, he does." Goyle continued. "Thank you for saving me from the fiendfyre. I still haven't recovered from Crabbe's death, but he did start the fire. Harry thank you as well for having Ron and Granger come back for us and for you coming back for us." Harry smiled. "You're welcome, Goyle. Thanks for coming." Ron nodded. "We had our differences, but saving you was the right thing to do." 

Finally, Neville tumbled out of the fireplace. "Sorry, I forgot you moved and tried going to Grimmauld Place. It didn't end well." Harry held back a laugh. "That's ok Neville. Welcome." Neville smiled and looked around. Harry turned to Dudley. "Neville was my final roommate, along with Ron, I'm not sure I told you Ron was also my roommate." Dudley said hello. "I'm Harry's cousin." Neville turned to see Malfoy, Goyle, Zabini and Nott. "Harry you didn't tell me they'd be here. I mean, I understand why you invited Malfoy. But why are his backups here?" Harry frowned. "Neville, they aren't going to jinx, curse, hex or beat you. Draco is my roommate. These are his friends." Neville gulped. "Hi." Draco shook his head. "I'm sorry for the past Neville. So are these guys." Neville nodded.

The boys drank some fire whiskey and talked about their lives after Hogwarts, lives at Hogwarts, and the Dursley home. Goyle learned that Harry used a Polyjuice potion to look like him and found it hilarious. Ron complimented the food numerous times and continued requesting to move in with Harry and Draco. 

"So, Draco. You didn't tell me you and Harry were dating. It's about time mate." Theo clapped Draco in the back. "Er, we aren't dating." Draco blushed. "Oh right sorry." Harry nodded. "Why? You wanna steal my man?" Harry stood up to walk toward Theo but fell over. "I've gotta get this one into bed. Too much to drink." Draco explained. He picked Harry up and carried him to bed. "Good night Harry." Draco went to leave but Harry pulled him back down onto the bed. "Stay, I can't sleep without you." Draco rolled his eyes. "Our guests are still here. I have to entertain them." Harry scoffed. "Just transfigure stuff into beds for them and come back, ok." Draco sighed. "Ok, Harry." Draco did not intend to do so, but Harry would just fall asleep anyway. "Hey everyone, sorry. Do you guys plan on staying the night? You shouldn't apparate or use the Floo while drunk so it's best if you do. Everyone agreed to stay. "Do you guys have a DVD player? I brought a film." All the others just stared at Dudley. "What's a film?" Draco asked. "Oh, I know. It's like a magic photo. It moves and tells a story." Dean explained. "What's a DVD player?" Draco continued. "It's what plays the films. Do you have a television?" Draco sighed. "What's that?" Dudley laughed. "Never mind." Draco chuckled. "Wait wait wait. I learned how to transfigure objects into those." Dean exclaimed and proceeded to do so. 

Draco transfigured some pillows into air mattresses and set them up for the guests. Then Dudley popped in the movie X-Men. Everyone was in total awe except for Dudley and Dean. "This is brilliant," Ron exclaimed. Halfway through the movie, Draco said goodnight to everyone and excused himself.

He walked into his room to find Harry, still awake, waiting for him. "About time," Harry said. "Really Ry? How did you not pass out by now?" Harry scowled. "That's not very nice." Draco sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. You still wanna cuddle?" He asked while changing into his pyjamas. Harry nodded, sleepily. "Alright then." Draco crawled into bed. Harry kissed him on the cheek, wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled his head into his neck. He fell asleep immediately. Draco was shocked. "Harry just kissed me on the cheek! But he was drunk. It was nice. But it didn't mean anything. Oh well." 

The next morning Ron decided to see if Draco and Harry still slept the same way. He popped his head in the room and there they were. Just like last time. But this time Draco was running his hands through Harry's hair and his other hand was on top of Harry's. He went and got Blaise to show him, resulting in everyone else following too. "Do they always do this?" Theo asked. "Yep," Ron answered. "It looks right. You know what I mean?" Seamus asked. "Like it's supposed to be that way." Dean finished. Dudley, Neville and Goyle nodded. Draco glanced at the door. "Oh, not this again. Go away!" They were all smarter than to mess with Draco. They scurried away from the door. "Harry, get up lov- Ry, our friends are hungry." Harry looked up at Draco. "I don't wanna get up. You're so comfy." Draco lifted Harry off of him. "Despite he much I love hearing about how great I am, we have to feed them." Draco went to go make breakfast. "My head hurts Dray." Draco chuckled. "You're hungover Harry. Come, I have a potion for that." The boys walked hand in hand to Harry's old bedroom. Only because otherwise Harry would fall over. Draco gave him a potion and he instantly felt better. "Thank you Dray. I'm so glad I moved in with the best potion maker in our year. It pays off." 

Everyone started clearing out. Dudley said if they did this again, he would bring Spider-Man. The only people left were Ron, Harry and Draco. Ron refused to leave without another helping of eggs and some leftover chicken from the night before. "Sorry about this morning Draco." Ron apologized. Draco blushed. "I'm not going to allow guests if it happens every time." Draco groaned. Harry sat there, very confused, as usual. Ron apologized again, took his food and headed home. Draco made Harry some tea from the box he bought yesterday. "What did Ron mean?" Harry asked. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." Harry paused. "What's Spider-Man?" Draco snorted. "A muggle film. You've never heard of it?" Harry shook his head. "I never had permission to watch the television." Draco sighed. 

The next morning Draco was out shopping for Harry's birthday so Harry was alone. He went into his old bedroom, now the potion room, to feed Dragon. His snitch tattoo had been acting funny recently. It kept flying near his mouth. It never did that. Usually, it stays hidden under clothes. Draco's was doing the same, but his was flying on his forehead and cheek. Harry lifted Dragon's cage to clean it and found a letter underneath like it had been hidden. Harry read it and gasped. "Draco Malfoy has purchased a home. Draco Malfoy is going to leave me. My Draco is leaving."

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