10 minutes later, they broke the hug, dried their eyes and Draco headed out the door. Harry ran and stopped him. "If anyone treats you differently at an interview because of the mark, send me one of those paper cranes you sent me in third year. I'll come, and make them regret it." Harry smiled and went back inside. Draco smiled too and headed to his first interview.

Draco looked down at his list of jobs. For the past week, he had been writing down jobs listed in the paper. Some of them he really wanted, while others would just have to do. The list consisted of:

Healer's Assistant - St. Mungo's

Store Clerk - Flourish and Blotts

Bartender - Hog's Head

Desk Manager - Owl Post Office in Hogsmeade

Obliviator - Ministry of Magic

Potioneer - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

In all honesty, Draco had always considered becoming a Healer. After he was given the Dark Mark, he changed his mind knowing that no one would want a Death Eater being their Healer. Draco thought the role of being an assistant instead might be different. He was wrong. When Draco arrived and informed a Healer that he was there for an interview, he was asked to leave as they had 'no interest in working alongside a Death Eater'.

So Draco left and headed to Diagon Alley. Maybe Flourish and Blotts would give him a chance. Draco loved reading and had lots of books he could recommend to customers. Unfortunately, he was not permitted access into the shop after he told the owner he was there for an interview.

Next, Draco apparated to Hogsmeade to interview for the bartender job. He didn't really want to work there but figured that if he had a bad day, the alcohol was right there. The shrunken heads that guard the doors at the bar wouldn't let him in, even though he was of drinking age.

Draco walked up the street to the Owl Post Office and managed to enter this time. The desk witch explained the job and Draco was very unimpressed. He didn't want the job but it seemed to be the only place that would give him a job. The desk witch then asked Draco's name, scowled and threw him out.

Draco decided not to interview for the Obliviator role knowing the Ministry most likely wouldn't let him in. He also found that the job would be too sad.

One job left, he crossed his fingers. Draco walked from Hogsmeade all the way to Hogwarts. He entered and made his way to Headmistress McGonagall's office. Minerva smiled when she saw Draco. "Mister Malfoy, I had a feeling you would drop by." Draco nodded. "I'm here about the Potioneer position." He told her. "Yes, I figured. You were the best at potions in your year, even better than Miss Granger. Don't tell her that though." She said with a wink. "Well I always enjoyed potions, it was my favourite subject." Minerva smiled. "Professor Slughorn is becoming quite old and forgetful, you see. For this job, you will be provided with ingredients and instructions and you must brew potions for the school, instead of having Horace make them. He will continue to teach the class, but our potions supply will be left to you. Does that sound like what you're looking for?" She asked. "Of course. Does this mean I'm hired?" Draco asked, with a hopeful expression. "Yes Mister Malfoy, we will send you ingredients to the manor along with instructions and a list of the potions we need. A new list along with supplies will be sent to you every week. We expect your potions here by the Friday of the week they are requested. Any questions?" Draco shook his head. "No, ma'am. Although you must know I don't live in the manor anymore. I'm living in a flat in muggle London. Thank you so much, Professor- er, Headmistress. I'm very grateful. Have a lovely day." Draco said as he headed towards the Floo. "You too, Draco," Minerva said as Draco stepped into the green flames of the fireplace.

While Draco was out, Harry had an idea. He wasn't sure if Draco would like it, but it needed to be done.

Harry approached the door to Pansy Parkinson's office at 12:00 sharp. Pansy had recently got a job working as a reporter for The Daily Prophet. Harry knew that Pansy didn't like him but she was good friends with Draco, so she just might agree.

Pansy opened the door to her office and got quite a shock. "Potter? What are you doing here?" She asked snarkily. "I need you to do me a favour. It's about Draco." He answered.

Pansy nodded and let Harry into her office. Draco told her that he and Potter had moved in together. She was also the first of his friends to know about Draco's crush on Harry. She knew since the first year of school. Honestly, it was so obvious. "If this could bring Draco and Harry together and possibly start their relationship, I'm all for it." She thought.

"So, Potter. What do you want exactly?" Pansy asked. Harry grinned. "I need you to write an article explaining the truth about Draco," He replied. "What? I'm not exposing him!" Pansy yelled. "No, showing everyone that he is the good guy here. But you have to say that you got all this information from an interview with me and you can't make things up. I want it all to be true. I will get the final say about the article as well." Harry informed her. "You want to help Dray?" She asked. "I want him to be accepted and forgiven. Worshipped, even. Without him, Voldemort would still be alive." Pansy smiled. "Merlin's beard! Potter likes Dray! Ahh! I have to do this!" Pansy squealed in her head and turned to Harry. "I'll do it." Harry smiled. "Oh, and Potter? I'm sorry I said we should turn you in, to Voldemort. I didn't mean it. If someone actually listened to me, I would never have forgiven myself. I was just scared." Harry looked at her with a forgiving face. "I understand."

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