Chapter 16- The Meaning of Love

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        Kilay stood in front of the Barclay residence, gnawing on her bottom lip. Lachlan hadn’t come out for several days now. He had ignored her before, in the beginning, but now...something was wrong.

            She approached the ornate door, ringing the doorbell. It opened right away, revealing not the butler, like usual, but a tall, thick set man in his forties, with dark hair and cruel eyes. He wore a black suit that matched his expression.

            “You must be Lachlan’s friend,” he said with unconcealed contempt. Kilay smiled, but it wasn’t as bright as it normally was.

            “And you must be his father, Arman Barclay. I’ve wanted to meet you, but you’re such a busy man. I’m glad to finally make your acquaintance. I’d love to talk and get to know you, but I was looking for Locky. Is he home?” Arman’s brows drew together.

            “Lachlan is where he should be. You should go, before I call the police,” he said, voice dripping with dislike.

            “Call the—but I haven’t done anything wrong!? I’m just visiting—”

            “And it will be your last. I don’t want you to get anywhere near my son, understand? You’re a bad influence. Since he met you, his grades have fallen, he’s skipping school, and the way he dresses—it’s unacceptable! If you ever come back here, I will have you arrested, and believe you me, you won’t be out for a long, long time.” Kilay felt a crack in her omnipresent happiness strike right through her heart.

            “A bad influence? What are you—I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to Lachlan! You’re the bad influence here, not me. Can’t you see what you’ve done to him. He’s depressed, he tried to kill himself, for god’s sake, don’t you understand!? You beat your own child! How could you do that to a person, let alone your own son? I could get you arrested for child abuse,” she sputtered, fury spilling forth from its careful container. Arman laughed, a harsh, soulless sound.

            “You’re very foolish, woman. I’m rich, well respected, I have influence in many places. I can’t get arrested! I practically own the police! And anyway, what’s he to you? He’s just a useless dog. He can’t do anything. He doesn’t even deserve to live, but I’ve let him. I’ve even given him a pretty good life, better than he’s earned, so you should both be grateful for that.” Kilay’s face went red and she flung herself at him, tearing at his face with her nails.

            “Locky is my best friend, you bastard. I love him more than anything else in this world. He means everything to me. He makes the rest of my life worth living. You let that boy go, you fucking murderer, or I’ll rip your fucking, heartless balls off and shove them down your throat! You don’t know how blessed you are to have a son like Locky! He’s the smartest, kindest, most talented and caring kid I’ve ever met, and you just throw that away, like trash. You inhuman piece of shit, I’ll kill you for what you did to that poor boy!” A security guard raced over, hauling Kilay off Arman, still screaming and clawing like an enraged cat.

            “Put me down, asshole, are you blind, or just completely stupid!? Do you have a brain somewhere in there? Are you capable of human thoughts? Can’t you see what’s going on here, can’t you? Or are you all just so fucking heartless you don’t give a damn as long as you get your fucking paycheck, you devil spawn!” The sound of a siren bit through the air and a squad car pulled up. Several men in uniform poured out, dragging Kilay away.

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