Chapter 34: Ultimatum

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"For a Sol to awaken, she has to kill the most important person in her life and took her soul to be her power." A moment of silence fell between them. Mina was trying to process what her aunt just told her. If that was true, that answers all her questions in one go. Jessica watched as her niece's expression changed into her reaction when she heard it for the first time too.

"Soeun, Chaeyoung's mother loves Hanna so much that when it's time for her to awaken, she had no control on her body and ended up killing her. A great power comes with great pain. I still hate them for killing my sister but not as much as before. They are cursed just like us. We  are tied long ago by the will of heavens." 

"Then Chaeyoung is..." 

"Yes she's trying to protect you." 

Mina felt weak all of a sudden. She don't know what to feel. She felt different kinds of emotions but one thing that surfaced above all is the pain. Not for herself but for the love of her life suffering and taking everything alone. She felt so useless, powerless even with her strength she can't do anything for the woman that she loves. But thinking about that, she suddenly remembered what could be her unnie's reason for telling this to her alone.

"W-why are you only telling me?" 

"That is the main reason why I called you here." Jessica's demeanor changed into a serious one. Even if she's stronger, Mina could feel that her aunt is no easy opponent too. 

"Someone within this facility is trying to mess with me. I need you to help me find Azazel that devil's right hand." 

"Are you saying there is a traitor?" 

"Yes and Taeyeon let me go to do that mission." 

"What would happen if we don't find him?" 

"There is a great possibility that he's trying to open the hell gate again. We need to know what they're planning." 

"Why only me? are you suspecting your sister and brother?" Another moment of silence fell between them. Jessica stayed motionless, staring at her niece directly. After seconds, she let out a sad sigh.

"Yeah. If this has been going all this time then the safest person would be you." 

"Then who is it you are suspecting?"

"Someone who holds great control under this tribe." 

"B-but he's your brother." 

"And a devil can be deceiving." Jessica's stare is fierce and cold. This is the former Ice queen of Lunams. The warm person that she met hours ago are no longer there. 

"I understand unnie." 

"Thank you Mina." 

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