Abortion | ✅/❎

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(This subject is sensitive to me because my baby sister was born 4/28/20.)

(Yeah, this year.)

I do and don't support abortion at the same time. I'm pro-life, but under specific circumstances, I would make an exception and give approval.

I know that this is more of a subject for women, and probably going to piss a lot of people off, but I agree with just about, and if not, all standards from the right wing. But since Pro-Life is from the right wing, I'm going to defend it.

The zygote is composed of human DNA and other particles and molecules. This makes it undeniably human, and not some other species, example: a cat. No matter what you say, a fetus is a human being with blood, and organs, and tissues. A human fetus is a human being. It is not a "potential" or a "possible" human being. It's an actual human being with the potential to grow.

In the case of the fetus (the baby) being a result of rape, most rape victims say that their problem isn't actually giving the birth, it's keeping the child, due to how it's a constant reminder of what happened to them. I'm sorry, I honestly feel 100% sympathy for them. If you are a pregnant rape victim, you should only give the birth if you can bare it, if you're mentally and emotionally strong enough to do so. Giving up the child to an adoption agency is the best option you'd have after giving birth. After all, the child could end up living a successful life. The child could become someone helpful to the world! The child could cure cancer in the future if they had the chance to become a cancer researcher. Or maybe they could become the next leader in your country and inspire great change. But how would they have had the chance if their lives would be taken? The world could be significantly different with every human born. If your PTSD is that bad, go ahead and abort. But if you recovered and you've moved past it, PLEASE, I URGE YOU to give the birth.

And I'm just going to note, Planned Parenthood was made by three women of European descent, and was first introduced to black communities, such as Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York, being the first one.

Brownsville is an area that is 81.1% black, 15.0% Hispanic/Latinx, 1.7% Asian, 1.1% White, 0.7% Mixed, and 0.4% Other Race, according to statisticalatlas.com, but still, an area majorly black. You can call it a coincidence that the first places this organization was introduced to were mainly black, but I honestly think they were racists who had the intentions of depopulating the African-American community. If I'm right, and these women were actually racists, you'd be supporting their actions, making you just as much of a racist as them according to the logic of many people. 

If I'm right, it's black genocide.

Oh, and, one more thing: some abortion clinics, sponsored by Planned Parenthood, still offer to kill the baby AFTER it's born, before the baby becomes legally a human. After-birth abortion is sickening. It's MURDER. Even you 100% pro-choice women have to agree with that. Stop supporting Planned Parenthood. It should really be called "Planned Murderhood".

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