Karna Draupadi Marriage

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Yudisther- jyshat win the Swayamvar of Rajkumari Draupadi

Bheem- Jyshat we should go to Mata and inform him that jyshat Bharata Karna has win the Swayamvar

Shadev- Yes Bharta shri we should go

Arjun was confused what happened in the Swayamvar

Nakul- Bharta Arjun we should go

Shakuni look at the Bharmins he doubted them

Shakuni- Mera Bacha

Duryodhan- What happened Mamashri look

Shakuni- look those 5 Bharmins

Duryodhan and Dushasan look Pandavas

Duryodhan- Mamashri this is coinsidence

Shakuni- Mera Bacha in Politics thier is no Coinsidence

Duryodhan- Mamashri how Is this possible Pandavas died in the Lakshagrah how they can be alive

Shakuni- We have to find out they are Pandavas or not but my Mind says that they are Pandavas

Dushasan- But Mamashri how we will know Mamashri whether this Bharamins are Pandavas or not we have to leave Swayamvar is over Mamashri

Shakuni- I am Shakuni Mera Bacho I have always a plan B

Duryodhan- And what is your plan B Mamashri

Shakuni- My Spy in Kampilya will work

All King's Duryodhan Dushasan and Shakuni leave in the Way he make a Signal which alerted all spies in Kampilya and Spies start thier work

Meanwhile in Panchal Palace

Draupadi was in his room and crying badly

Draupadi- Why Mahadev Why Why I was unable to stop Maharaj Karna in my Swayamvar when he was shoot the Arrow I only love Rajkumar Arjun then why this happen to me why I was unable to take a step and why Rajkumar Arjun didn't take a step what stopped him

Shikhandini Dhristdyumna and Maharaj Drupad enters in his room

Shikhandini- Draupadi why are you crying

Draupadi- Jiji

Draupadi hugs Shikhandini

Drupad- Putri Draupadi tell us why are you crying

Shikhandini- Pitashri I get it she is going to marry and she don't want to leave Panchal and his family this is the reason right

Drupad- Putri after marriage girl has to leave to his husband house this is custom but if you wish after your Marrige I will request Maharaj Karna to stay here for some days

Dhristdyumna- But Pitashri Vasudev said Rajkumar Arjun and Karna both will come in Swayamvar but Maharaj Karna come but why Rajkumar Arjun not come

Drupad- May be he doesn't get the news of the Swayamvar

Krishna enters in Draupadi room

Krishna- Maharaj Drupad Kul Guru if Panchal is calling you he said that preparation regarding to the Marriage is going to complete soon

Drupad- Putra Dhristdyumna let us check the preparation

Drishtadyumna- Yes Pitashri

Krishna- Rajkumari Shikhandini I want to talk my Sakhi about something important

Shikhandini nodes and leave the room

Draupadi- Why Govind Why this happened to me I love Rajkumar Arjun wholeheartedly then why I was unable to stop Maharaj Karna before he shoot the Arrow and win my Swayamvar why Rajkumar Arjun didn't take a step I recognized him he was disguised as Bharmin Answer me Govind Answer me

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