Karna Vs Arjun

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Drona- Who shot this Arrow and try to intrupt the contest of Kuru Princes

Karna- I shot that Arrow

And Karna jumped from the top of the building in Arena his entry Shaked the Arena and everyone was looking at Karna and went near Drona

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And Karna jumped from the top of the building in Arena his entry Shaked the Arena and everyone was looking at Karna and went near Drona

(Karna Bgm)

Gandhari- Kunti Why this Arena Shacked and who tries to stop the contest

Kunti- Jiji an Unfamiliar Young man enter in the contest and by looking his face I can tell that he is a Kyshtria

Drona- Who are you and why you Intrupted the contest of Kuru Prince you don't Know you have to face it consequences

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Drona- Who are you and why you Intrupted the contest of Kuru Prince you don't Know you have to face it consequences

Karna- Guru Drona I have not Intrupted the contest you invited me tell me that Rajkumar Arjun defeated Rajkumar Duryodhan or not then you Challenged all the Archers of this world remember your words

Drona remember his words

Karna- So Guru Drona I am here to challenge your favorite disciple Arjun

Listening this Arjun blood boils

Arjun- And I accept your challenge

Kripacharya- Arjun stop you can't accept anyone challenge like this first this challenger has to give his Introduction to everyone present Who is his Guru his Cast or he is capable of challenging you or not as Kul guru of Hastinapur I ask you this question young man who are you

Karna- Kul Guru of Hastinapur Kripacharya I am Kyshtria by birth I am an Archer by my Karma and my Guru is one who wiped Kyshtria not 1 but 21 times from this Earth the one who teached Gangaputra Bheeshma and Guru Drona the Teacher of all the teachers on this Earth Lord Parshuram

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