Kunti Marry Pandu

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In Surya Lok Devi Sangya and Devi Chaya raising Karna as thier but meanehile on Earth Time passed Kunti became a 23 years Princess and his Father Maharaj Kuntibhoja decided to held Swayamvar for his Daughter Kunti
the Invitation send to every Kingdom of Aryavarth in few weeks Kunti Swayamvar were is going to happen but Kunti wasn't happy

Priyamvada- Rajkumari what happend you are not happy that your Swayamvar is going to happen in few weeks

Kunti- Priyamvada what I have done I can't forget that

Priyamvada- Rajkumari 5 years are passed to that incident pls forget that incident

Kunti- Every day I remember what I done

Priyamvada- Rajkumari pls forget that incident if somebody get to know before your Swayamvar the Pride of Kunti Kingdom will be destroyed the respect of your father in the Aryavrath will be ruined not only that your future will be destroyed pls Rajkumari forget him you abondend him and Surya Dev take him he must be save and good pls don't remember him he will never return to you

Kunti- Priyamvada he is my son and I will never forget him my first born son
every day saw sun I remember him he was innocent but

Kunti start crying Priyamvada consoled him

Priyamvada- May be your and his fate was this

After sometime Kunti get Normal and she thought on what Priyamvada say and she accept his fate

After few weeks later the day has come of Kunti's Swayamvar

Dasis were doing Kunti's Solah Shringar she accept his fate now his Father send more Dasis and Priyamvada to take him

Priyamvada and Dasis take him to the Rajya Sabha in Rajya Sabha his father Maharaj Kuntibhoja welcoming all the Suitors who came in his Daughter Kunti's Swayamvar everyone take thier seats

Kuntibhoja- All the Maharaj Yuvraj and Rajkumar I welcome all of you in my Daughter Kunti's Swayamvar it has been the tradition of the Aryavarth that a girl has a right to choose his husband I request you all that the pls accept the decision of my Daughter Kunti and you regardless of being Friends and Enemies and you all bless the newly Wed Couple Putri Kunti you are going to choose your husband today

Kunti- Pitashri I have one question in mind who will give the Answer of that Question I will choose him as my Husband

Kuntibhoja- ofcourse Putri you have right to put question in Swayamvar

Kuntibhoja tell them that Kunti would ask question after listening the question all the invited Suitors start debating on that 2 Suitors raise thier Sword and try to attck each other but Pandu Stops them

Pandu- Rajumar both of you don't break the limits of the Swayamvar a test of strength isn't displayed at a court it displayed In a Battlefield

They questioned who are you I am Pandu the Maharaj of Hastinapur Son of Maharaj Vichitraveerya

Pandu- Take your seats

both the Rajkumar take the seats

Pandu- Rajkumari ask the question again

Kunti asked question again

Pandu Calmly answered the question and Kunti take the garland from Priyamvada and take step down from his place and Garland Pandu and choose him as his husband

Pandu Calmly answered the question and Kunti take the garland from Priyamvada and take step down from his place and Garland Pandu and choose him as his husband

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