Chapter 7- Symphony

Start from the beginning

        “Oh, nonsense. Don’t be so negative about everything. If you look at the world through a negative lens, then of course it’s going to seem bad. You need to try out a positive lens for a change; it’ll make you feel a lot happier.”

        “Yeah, well why are you so happy? What makes you think this world is just so-so great!?” Kilay leaned forward, resting her chin on the chair in front of her.

        “I used to play, you know. The violin.” Lachlan raised his eyebrows, intrigued.

        “So you didn’t always have just one arm?” Kilay laughed.

        “Of course not. I was going to be famous...everyone said so. They loved my music. It was the only way I could escape from this world and be completely content. Now, all I can do is write the music, maybe have someone else play it. But it’s not the same.” Lachlan stared at the ground, and his shiny black shoes.

        “Um, so, uh, what happened? To your arm?”

        “Car accident,” Kilay said flatly with a lopsided shrug. “You know, stuff like that happens, so...” She shrugged again. “But I don’t mind, it doesn’t bother me anymore. I’ve learned to live this way just fine. It’s better than losing a leg or something. I’m still alive, and I can still live my life without too much help, so I couldn’t be happier.”

        “Why don’t you have a prosthetic? They make pretty good ones these days.” Kilay absently rubbed her scarred stump.

        “I don’t know, only for silly, selfish reasons. I can get around well enough, and I don’t fancy being a claw person. I tried them on, but it never felt right, so I deal without.” Kilay smiled at him, then stood. “Do you want a snack? I, for one, am starving.”

        They stood in the food court, which could hardly be called such due to the negative connotation it gave. It was quite the opposite from the typical cafeteria style service. The food was cooked fresh right in front of their eyes, and Lachlan had eaten enough expensive food to recognize the quality of the ingredients used. Everything had to cost a fortune.

        “Are you sure you want to pay for all of this? Aren’t you broke and unemployed?” Kilay laughed.

        “Unemployed, yes. Broke, no. And I am sure,” she said, pushing past him to pay. She came away with chocolate bacon popcorn, bite sized bison sliders and sparkling water.

        “Why are you doing this?” Lachlan asked. Kilay lifted her shoulders, pulling the boy into a seat near the window, where they had a perfect view of the city from their fourth story position.

        “I like to treat myself now and again.” Lachlan shook his head.

        “Look, you seem to know about me, but what about you? Just who are you? You keep lugging me around the city, but I don’t know anything about you.”

        “Enough talking, more eating. Intermission will be over soon, so we need to finish all this,” Kilay said, shoving another slider at him.

        The concert finished without much more conversation between the two. After the last resounding rounds of applause stopped echoing in the vaulted ceiling they exited the building, stepping out into a city lit up for evening.

        “Care to take a walk?” Kilay asked, looping her arm through his, strolling down the street. Vibrant, colorful lights bathed them as they passed between soaring skyscrapers, music filtering out of open restaurant doors. The air was rich with the smells of food, perfume and car exhaust. Even this late in the day cars buzzed down the road.

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