"No one is talking about Cedric, so if thats why your here then you can clear out now." She spat at the group. No one had realized she was in the room, and it was clear by their faces that they regretted even thinking about Cedric in front of her. She stood for a minute, kind of fuming until Fred pulled her back down to their seat and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Thank you Maeve." Harry said, giving her a weak smile. He got awkward when he turned back to the crowd and then turned to Hermione to say something to her.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus charm?" A dreamy voice came from the group, and then Luna Lovegood stood up smiling.

"Yes, he can. And so can Maeve." Hermione added in, looking at Harry and the Maeve. "I've seen it."

"Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that." Dean Thomas said.

"And he killed a Basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville added.

"Its true!" Ginny said, Maeve thought it was funny about all the things a 15 year has done, but she could also sense he was getting uncomfortable again by the attention.

"Clearly Harry is an amazing wizard, he's only confronted Voldemort himself four times and lived to talk about it." Maeve smiled, "So stop being a git, Smith." George chuckled under his breath hearing her call him a name. Harry sent her a nod.

"So all in favor of taking lessons from Harry?" Hermione asked.

Hands shot up and even those who were hesitate at first rose their hands. They all agreed to sign the parchment of paper after agreeing on the name 'Dumbledore's Army'. D.A. for short.

"How do we know we won't get caught, with umbridge." Someone asked.

"As Head Girl, I will take care of it. Don't worry." She smiled at the group, putting her arm around Harry. "Ready, kid?" She asked him.

"I usually just wing it." He chuckled

"Then that makes two of us." She sent him a wink.

Later that evening Maeve and Fred had barely said a word to each other, and George was getting annoyed.

"What is wrong with you two?" He turned around to face the two, as they walked back to the castle.

"Nothing." They said together, they looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"No, there is something going on. This tension all started when Maeve told us about the letter." He looked at Fred, "You've been acting like a real wanker since then."

"No I haven't!" He spat, she just let out a laugh. "Why are you laughing."

"Why am I laughing?" She spat, "Because when I was offered a job, you didn't say anything, my boyfriend. But your brother was happy for me, and you weren't afraid to hide the disappointment in your face."

"It's in Romania, Maeve!" He sighed, "I can't give up my dream and follow you there."

"I didn't ask you to come with me." She scoffed

"So you're gonna go?"

"I don't know, I still have months to decide. Why are you acting like this?" She looked at George hoping for some reassurance.

"Yeah, mate. You're not being fair." He added

"How can you go countries away, while I stay here? I'm not giving up the shop to follow you."

"I'm not asking you to give up your dream. If I'm correct, I told you this years ago that I believed in you two. I gave you supplies to start! I wouldn't take that away from you." He rolled his eyes at her. "So only one of us can follow our dreams?" She spat

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