Telling the club

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(H) Kyoya it's time

(K) understood my love

(H) father we have to tell the host club today

(R) what is it haruhi?

(Y) what do you need to tell them?

(H) I'm pregnant so due to the fact that I am it's time to announce the engagement

(R) congratulations my girl

(Y) understood we set the date for your party so we are having an engagement party in a week for the two of you

(K) understood father

(Y) you may leave for school now

(H) see you after school father


(Hh) hey haruhi

(H) hey guys

(Kh) how do you feel today?

(H) I'm alright I need to tell you both something

(Kh) what is it?

(H) I will be announcing some news during today's club

(Hh) is it bad news or good news?

(H) I don't know it depends on how everyone reacts to it

(Kh) alright will see you in club

(H) bye *walks upstairs*

(K) did you tell them?

(H) I told them I have an announcement but did you tell boss?

(K) he's curious to know what the news could be on if it's good or bad, mori and honey understand everyone's ready to know today

(H) well then let's get to club *holds kyoya's hand*

(K) let's do this it's now or never *walks with haruhi*

(Ho) Haruhi kyoya you made it

(T) *looks at hands* haruhi why are you holding kyoya's hand?

(H) I have an announcement everyone please sit I need to tell you all of this

(Hh) what's going on haruhi? *sits on couch*

*club sits except for kyoya and haruhi*

(T) why are you still holding kyoya's hand?

(Kh) jest listen to her news boss

(H) I lied to you all that the test was negative that I took yesterday I missed my women thing three weeks ago and when you brought in the pregnancy test it came back positive

(T) so your pregnant?

(H) yes I am, I knew when I entered this host club I should have told you the man I have been with but we kept it secret and tamiki remeber that ring you found on the ground during the Halloween games

(Hh) the ring that fell off around your neck

(T) I remember it was your mother's engagement ring

(H) it was her ring my father passed it down to the man who would propose to me when he asked for my fathers blessing

(Hh) so the necklace you had on meant you were engaged to the man you were with

(Ho) where is the necklace haruhi?

(H) I took the necklace off I'm wearing the engagement engagement ring honey because I have a fiance

(Kh) kyoya proposed

(T) kaoru what are you talking about? What do you mean kyoya proposed?

(K) he's right tamiki I'm holding haruhi's hand because she decided the time is right we need to announce this we can't stay secret forever

(H) I am kyoya's fiance

(T) since when?

(Hh) how long have you been with kyoya?

(H) four years we grew up together the fujioaks were close business partners our mothers were close since they went to highschool they all practically grew up with each other but after my mothers passing yoshio opened his doors to us so we all lived together our fathers decided it was right for us to date

(K) by the fourth year of our relationship I told my family and my father I'd propose to haruhi that's when her father gave me the ring to pass down and use to propose to her

(H) we would have told you the day we joined but none of us were ready to

(T) when did you propose to her?

(K) back in September the day you came over to discuss the plans for the Halloween games

(T) so the day haruhi was with yuuichi, Akito, and fuyumi at your house was the proposal day

(K) yes I lied to you about everything tamiki

(T) why did you lie to me I'm your best friend

(K) I couldn't tell the club yet we hid it until now if you guys saw haruhi in five months you would see her with a pregnant belly always questioning who the father is, we chose for the time being to hide that we were dating until the time was right

(H) tamiki the day you texted kyoya that you were coming over for an unexpected surprise visit his siblings hid everything on why I was there, Akito took my shoes to fuyumis room where kyoya sent me to hide in, I forgot my phone in kyoya's room he said it was fuyumis and gave it to yuuichi to return to me, the ring box wasn't fuyumis wedding ring box it was the box the engagement ring was in that kyoya proposed to me with

(T) you guys hid so much from us

(K) it was the only choice we had tamiki, my father is throwing an engagement party next week you are all invited you may come if you want

(H) *leaves with kyoya* let's go home

(K) alright my love

(T) *sits in chair in shock*

(Hh) haruhi was good at every secret

(Kh) yeah

(T) kaoru how long did you know they were dating?

(Kh) the day we went to get food after I went back for me and hikaru's bag I spotted them kissing when haruhi and honey fell asleep on the blankets and pillows that were layed out

(T) that was two months ago in August

(Kh) I knew they would be the ones who want to tell their secret I kept it a secret until I told kyoya yesterday that I knew about their relationship

(T) now we all know the truth

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