Chapter 11

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As I sat at home recording another one of the many tutoring videos I have made for Conner over the past month, I couldn't help but think that maybe I was being overdramatic and really should allow him to explain himself.

But then I realized that every time I think about him, I remind myself that I will never get him and he will never like me because I'm just the nerd who nobody knows and nobody wants to know either.

As I was just about to start recording, I hear yelling and loud talking downstairs, meaning that my brothers are home.

As I start walking downstairs, I see them all sitting on the big couches downstairs, whispering about something, but they immediately stop when they see me come into view.

This immediately makes me curious and wants to know what they were talking about, so I walk over to the couch and take my usual place right in between two of my extremely annoying brothers.

While sitting there, I see them looking at each other, making them even more curious.

"So," my brother Brody started. "This might be really out of the blue, but we haven't seen you hanging out with Conner recently, and we figured that you guys had a small argument or something big happened, but whatever it is put you in a pissy mood, and we want you to go back tot he old Mason, not this grumpy person who is always ready to fight by the looks of it."

I was shocked that my brothers figured all of this out from my attitude, and how I was acting was shocking. They never really seem to know how I operate.

The only person who notices how I act and my emotions are dad.

He always knows what to say to me and how to make me feel better.

"I don't know what to say to that; I mean, I know that Conner screwed up and made mistakes, and so have I but not to the extent that he made. He played me and made me think that I had a chance with him, but that was all just one big act," I say, leaving my brothers all shook at the words that just came out of my mouth.

I usually never tell them these things even though they have said countless times that they want to know to help me and be good brothers.

They then said that maybe in school tomorrow after he finishes practice, I could talk to him and work things out with him because I think that would make both of you happier. He's been down at practice recently, and all he ever wants to talk about is you, Mason. The guys always try and tease him about girls and such, but he never gets fazed by it because he starts talking about you right after.

People have their suspicions about him not being straight, but he always shuts those down by saying that he has his eyes on some hot girl at school or some girl at another school who nobody knows.

This makes me cringe on the inside as I lose all sense of hope that maybe, he and I could get together, but I guess it's time for me to try and move on for good this time.


As I woke up the next morning after the conversation with my brothers, I showered and used my favorite Old Spice body wash.

Once I got out of the shower, I got a towel and put on a forest green Jordan sweatshirt with a pair of grey track pants and then threw on my air forces and headed on downstairs to start packing my school bag.

Once downstairs, I get my books and homework and bid farewell to my father because all my younger brothers have left already.

With that being said, I head out of the house and get in my Landrover and head off to school; hopefully, I'm not making a mistake today talking to Conner after practice.


Today was the day I hope things between Conner and me go back to how they used to be.

When I spoke to the Conner brothers yesterday, I made sure that depending on how fast they got Conner talking to me again, there could be something more to what I already promised them.

As I got dressed for the day, all that ran through my mind would happen if Conner does talk to me. I cannot screw this up.

I have messed up too many times, and if I get a third chance, I will make sure that this is the last mistake.

As I descend the long flight of stairs to the living room, I hear my parents talking to my twin brother and decide to take a seat next to him when I get to the bottom.

Once I sat down, my parents started talking to us about just how we were doing and all that parenting garbage.

But then the dreaded question that I wish they didn't ask again popped up, and that was if I was talking to Mason again.

I tried forgetting about it, but they always remind me of it.

"No," I respond in a bored tone and continue getting ready to leave for school with Martin.

Once I was ready to go, Martin grabbed his stuff, and we both went outside, and we drove to school together.

Once at school, I was met with a set of eyes that appeared to be coming from One of the Masons. I believe it was the youngest of the three, but I don't remember his name right now. I'm just curious why he was waiting for me.

As Martin and I approach him, he asks if he knows, and I automatically respond with a yes before he tells me something that blows my mind.

" Mason is going to talk to you after practice today, and I'm only telling you this for two reasons. One if this shit happens again, my brothers and I are not going to help you get him back on talking terms, and although it was very easy to, we will not help. Secondly, I would also like to let you know that there is someone else hitting on Mason and, now, I'm not going to tell you who it is, but all I will tell you is that this person also is on the Lacrosse team."

With that being said, he turned and started walking away and left both my twin brother and I dumbfounded and lost for words. Once I heard someone else wanted Mason, all I could think about was how much harder I'm going to fight for Mason to be with me, and I now need to figure out who this other person is now as well.

The only thing I can think of is that games are about to start, and know I'm ready to get down and dirty to get the job done.






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