Chapter 18

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When I wake up I look over to my side and see that Conner is out like a brick.

I sit there on my bed and watch him for a little bit and start to see all the little habits that he does in his sleep. This makes me smile but soon I get out of bed and take this as the perfect time to get outside and play some sports and do some exercise.

I quickly change out of my PJ into my athletic shorts and an athletic top and then from there go on to descend the stairs to find my brothers Dean and Brody standing there looking at me with a smile and I just shake them off and say "let's go play before breakfast. We can work up an apatite and then really pig out afterward"

We all went out to the backyard and we all decided that we were going to practice some Lacrosse and so that is exactly what we did. One thing that I didn't like was being on sports teams because when you are good like really good people expect way too much out of you.

When we get outside we pick up each of our lacrosse sticks and we start passing the ball around and start to run some small plays and start practicing some shooting on the net in the backyard.

Soon after we start practicing I see Carson come out to the backyard and grabs his lacrosse stick as well and join in practicing with us as well as working with us.

Near the end of us working out and practicing we decide that we are going to play a 2 on 2 game and thank god our backyard is massive because if it wasn't we wouldn't be able to.

With that Dean and I are paired up together and Carson and Brody as a team as well, and just like that the game begins.


When I woke up the next morning the memories of what happened the night before and the day before all came flooding back to me and the smile that is now upon my face has never been bigger.

When I look over I see that there is an empty half of the bed beside me I start looking around the room and look in the bathroom before starting to make my way down the stairs to the main floor of the house that wasn't before I saw the family portrait on the wall and stopped to look at it only realizing that his dad was someone who anyone would know.

But I figured that I would ask him about that later.

For now, I would just work on trying to find him in this massive house.

I start walking around the main floor and I realize that I'm in the living room and then that's when I hear laughing, talking, and noise coming from somewhere and to my best knowledge, I decide to follow it and eventually I finally find Mason what I see blows my mind.

I see this absolute god holding a lacrosse stick and shockingly enough he knows exactly how to use it now as I lean against the doorway I just observe and if I didn't know any better I would say he is better than me honestly.

As I sit there and watch them play all I can think about is what happened yesterday with Mason and how I wish he would just hurry up and just be mine, but now he just has to make it difficult and make me fight for him, and go through a bunch of hot guys and stunning girls.

Like I know I'm good looking and all but like some of these people look like they could walk out of a fashion magazine.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts though when I see Mason and his brothers all cheering and play wrestling.

Shortly after, they saw me and yelled my name and I shyly walked over not knowing what they know and what they don't know and so I just kindly "good morning" and join in with the fun that was happening in the backyard.

I start passing the ball around with them and out of the corner of my eye I see Mason looking over at me and my heart starts to race.

My head was so confused because I had no clue that Mason was so athletic and could play all of these sports but I guess it makes sense now that I think about it seems as his dad works with a bunch of celebrities.

After fooling around Mason left us and went inside to start making breakfast and volunteered me to go help him.

Once we arrived at the kitchen I turn Mason around and he looks at me with a smirk on his face.

"Can I help you with something?" he says

And with that, I just look away and start blush like never before and he lets a heavenly chuckle.


Someone, please help me cause I have it bad for this kid.

I guess it is time we get to work, isn't it!






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