My Angel

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Codys POV

I think my angel is her but I think I just dug myself a big hole. What am I going to say? I think I'm going to say that its her and that she doesnt have to tell me.

"I think my angel is... you. You dont have to say if its you or not.  For some reason, your different. This was fate trying to tell us something."

"I think you might just have to get that out of me somehow."

Flirting with me definitely got my mind thinking. I thought of ways to get it out of her but I knew it wouldnt be easy. I walked up to her and got close to her ear seductively. I leaned in like I was going to whisper something in her left ear. Tickle Time!!! I grabbed her sides and began tickling her. She laughed so hard that I couldnt help but laugh. We were laughing together for a while when all of a sudden she said...

"Oh.. hahahaha... My... haha... Gosh.. ha.. stop tickling me! I... cant.... breathe... hahahahaha!

I stopped and looked at her. She was so pretty. Any guy in Australia would be amazed if she was in front of them. I stood there, just staring at her. Her eyes were a breathtaking crystal blue and she had long hair that was curled to perfection. I was knocked back to reality.

"Liking the view?"

"Yeah, yes I am. Your so beautiful, you know that?"

"Now I do. Thank you."

I leaned in and kissed her. I was happy to see that she kissed back. We deepened the kiss on the couch. We stopped and caught our breath for a minute.

"We will finish that later." I said to her with a smirk.

"I'll count on it." She said with a wink.

We walked out to the tour bus holding hands, carrying our stuff. Out of nowhere, a bunch of paparazzi crowded around us. We let go of each others hands and began to run. I was running behind her. I could see her perfect body running. The next thing I know, Hannah was on the ground crying. I ran to her and picked her up bridal style. I ran to the tour bus and jumped in. I closes the door behind me and put Hannah down in the back of the bus. I ran to get the first aid kit but when I got back, she's knocked out. I began CPR and finally heard her breathing. She opened her eyes and once again I got lost in them. We both leaned in and made out for a few minutes. We broke apart and caught our breaths. I caught my breath and looked into her eyes. I began to sing...

"My angel

Howd you get to be so fly

Howd you get to shine so bright girl

Howd you get to look like that

Please heaven dont you call her back yeah."

I kissed her cheek and closed the blinds on the bus. Let's just say we had a pretty fun night.


Hi guys, Im going to make this story pg 13 just in case. Hope its good:) comment and let me know!

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