Tabloids... Again!

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Hey guys

Sorry for the long wait. Ive been a little busy with school and everything. Please comment and vote. Happy Reading!


Hannahs POV

Cody and I woke up early this morning andn went out surfing at sunrise. It was so pretty. The sun was coming up. The clear blue ocean waves rolling onto the soft sand. This is the life. Cody was teaching me how to surf and I was starting to get good at it. After a while, we relaxed on the beach and just talked. All of a sudden, I was blinded by lights. Paparazzi. "Cover your face with the towel. Dont look back. Just run next to me. I followed his instructions. We grabbed our stuff and ran towards the van. They were pretty far away but close enough to get a good shot. The paparazzi were following right behind us as we ran. I was out of breath but I pushed through. We finally got to the van. Cody had to find the keys. The paparazzi were getting closer and closer and closer. He found them and without hesitating, we jumped in. "That was really close." Cody said looking me in the eyes. "Y-yeah it was." I said, stuttering a little bit. He leaned in and pecked me on the lips. He told the driver to head to the hotel we were staying at. Before we knew it, we were on our way. We arrived, the van stopping. Cody and I jumped out, holding hands, and we walked into the fancy hotel. We got to our room and just relaxed. Cody had a show in Los Angeles again so he began getting ready. I turned on the tv and changed the channel to ET. I wanted to see what the gossip was today. 

ET announcer:

"Cody Simpson was spotted holding hands with the mystery girl once again as they walked into their hotel earlier today. Has he found his angel? We talked to Bella Thorne, Cody's ex about the situation."

Bella said, "I had no clue Cody was doing this. I have no clue who this girl is. Cody was mine first therefore making me his angel. She better watch her back because my fans are very mad. If youre watching this, you will pay. Thank you for having me."

The tabloids were at it... again. I hate my life.

Codys POV

I walked out of the bathroom to find Hannah staring at the tv with wide eyes. I knew it had to be bad since she was staring. I was scared to find out what happened. Hannah ran by me into the bathroom. I could hear her crying. I went over to the tv and rewinded.

ET announcer:

"Cody Simpson was spotted holding hands with the mystery girl once again as they walked into their hotel earlier today. Has he found his angel? We talked to Bella Thorne, Cody's ex about the situation."

Bella said, "I had no clue Cody was doing this. I have no clue who this girl is. Cody was mine first therefore making me his angel. She better watch her back because my fans are very mad. If youre watching this, you will pay. Thank you for having me."

I ran to the bathroom door. It was locked. "Hannah, Im here to protect you. She wont hurt you and she cant. You are my only angel. Open the door so I can stop looking like an idiot standing here. Please Hannah, please." I heard the door unlock. As soon as she opened the door, my lips found hers and I gave her a sweet kiss. I let go and said "I will protect you."

We got ready for the concert and walked out of the hotel. We rode to the stadium and played 20 questions. We finally arrived. I looked out of the tinted window and saw a ton of fans screaming and holding out there phones. Just like every other concert Ive done. Fans. Fans everywhere. The driver came around and opened our door for us. I hopped out after Hannah. I was welcomed with a ton of girls screaming my name over and over. I held Hannahs hand as we walked through the area.

Hannahs POV

I was holding Codys hand. I heard so many girls calling his name. It was crazy! I heard one girl yell "Cody, why are you with that slut? You should be with me!" I looked at Cody and judging by the look on his face, he heard it to. The next thing I knew he was yelling back at the fan. Everyone stopped screaming because they wanted to hear him speak. "She is the best thing that has happened to me. If you were a fan, you would love me anyway. If you are that selfish, you are definitely not one of my fans. Thank you." He was mad and I could tell. We walked fast inside before things got ugly. We got to his dressing room. He sat me down and looked me right in the eyes. "She was wrong. You are NOT a slut, you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. He leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. He began getting ready so I checked twitter. I tweeted:

"@codysangel15: He is the most amazing guy ever! Fate is true."

I went on Codys phone and hacked his Instagram account. I took a pic of me and posted it

Hacked by @hannahsimpson! Hope you guys like the show tonight:)

I closed his phone, pretending like nothing ever happened. Cody headed out to do the show. I gave him a good luck kiss and let him go. I followed the security guard as he led me to the private booth where Alli was watching. I couldnt take my eyes off Cody the whole concert. I saw the girls pushing to get closer to him. After the show, I went with Alli as we headed backstage. We all went out to dinner after as a congratulations for the great show. Cody stood up in the middle of dinner and went over to where I was at the table. He bent down on one knee.

"Hannah, I want you to be mine for a long time. Will you be my girlfriend?"

There was a little light blue box and inside was a Tiffany necklace. I jumped up and said "YES". WE kissed in front of the whole restaurant. We broke and hugged. He put the necklace on me. I turned around and said "I love it. I love you." We kissed and went back to our seats to finish dinner. After we finished, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for a party at a club. I put on a strapless light blue fitting dress that had ruffles on the bottom. I put some white high heels on and put my hair in a messy bun. Cody was wearing a white dress shirt with tan skinnys and black vans. We held hands and hopped in the van. Before I knew it, we were at the party. We found Alli and her date and we hung out for a bit. They started to play a slow song. "C'mon. Dance with me." I said as I dragged Cody to the dance floor. Iput my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips. I layed my head on his shoulder as we slow danced. I wanted to pause time. It was the perfect moment. How did I get so lucky?All because of a tweet. What the internet can do these days. We partied through the night like the world was going to end tomorrow. It was the best night of my life. Everything is so perfect...


 Will Bella ruin everything? Will Rex come back and mess things up? More updates coming soon! Comment and vote! Let me know what you think:) <3

Tweet Me: Cody Simpson (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ