Our Perfect Ending

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It’s been almost a week since I flew in to see Cody. I knew we didn’t have a lot of time left to hang out but I had promised my friend Olivia that we would hang out while I was in L.A.

“Hey Cody, I’m heading out to lunch with Olivia I’ll be back so we can go surfing. See ya!” I shouted into the bathroom as I walked out the door. 

I was wearing some jean shorts and a pink tank top with some pink sandals and a creme bag. I’ve known Olivia for a long time, we were best friends while I lived in California as a child. When I went with Cody, I told her one day I’d meet her in L.A. knowing that at some point I’d have time. I hated missing time with Cody for her but then again this might be the only chance I see her. 

I got in my convertible and started the engine. I drove onto the high way, blasting some Austin Mahone music loudly.

I grabbed a seat at the coffee cafe and waited for Olivia. She finally arrived and sat down after ordering her coffee. 

“Hey girl! It’s been so long,” I said as I hugged her from across the table.

“I know, I miss you so much!” Olivia responded.

“Why are you in town?” I asked curiously.

“Magcon is actually here today so I came to see them,” she said, surprising me.

“Nice!” I said, as I took a sip of my coffee.

We continued to talk and drink our coffee, reminiscing about the days we hung out together in Cali.

I didn’t have much time to hang out so we walked around for a little bit and looked in some shops. We walked into a Walmart to get some Arizona tea when Olivia ran into a guy.

“Ouch,” she yelled as she fell down.

“Im so sorry! Are you okay?” I heard in a nice sounding voice, as he helped her up.

I finally got a look and realized it was Cameron Dallas, one of Olivia’s favorite Magcon boys. She was so excited and nervous, it was funny. She asked for a picture like a weirdo and I took it for her. She took one of me and him and we went on our way. When I say giggly, I mean giggly. She was giggly all the way back to our cars. We hugged goodbye, said keep in touch and went on our ways. I drove back to the hotel, where I was supposed to meet him to go swimming. I changed into my swimsuit, getting a little excited for the afternoon. I grabbed my sunglasses, sunscreen and my earphones as we headed out the door. I turned the corner after Cody, but suddenly felt pushed up against the wall. I felt his lips on mine. 

And before I knew it, we were back in the room having more fun than we would have downstairs at the pool.

Afterwards, we just cuddled for a while. Just laid there and thought about tomorrow, what we would say to each other. The week is over and the only chance I’ll get to see Cody is if I go to his next tour concert next year in Vegas. We had such a good time this week and the tour, I can’t imagine not hanging out with Cody. 

We just laid in silence, taking in the deep breaths of each other, not wanting to cry but if someone said something, we would. The silence was long and harsh, no words were coming out. We ended up just falling asleep how we were, wrapped in each other not wanting to let go.

Next Day

Codys POV

Today is the day I have to say goodbye to Hannah and I don’t think I can do it. I know I have to though. We went through security and walked to the gate holding hands. This is going to suck... it does suck. I didn’t say much this past day and I was regretting it so much right now. I just wanted to grab Hannah, put her on my shoulder and run away from everything. The paparazzi, Rex, the plane, management.. everyone. But I knew I couldn’t do that and she did too. 

“Flight 202 is now boarding Flight 202”

There it was. The seven words I didn’t want to hear. This was the end of all of it. All of it in just one step on a plane. I handed the flight attendant two tickets and smiled at Hannah. We got on the plane and found our seats. No one knew my intentions. To leave my career and live with Hannah for the rest of eternity. After all, we are in love. Im proud of myself for taking the step and I know Hannah is proud of me too. It may not be the perfect ending to this story, and I can assure you Hannah isn’t pregnant. 

Hannah and I are meant to be

I found my angel

And that I will never forget.


Hey guys!:( Finally the end of the story. Thank you tonsss for waiting I really appreciate it. I loved writing this and I am super happy I got as many reads as I did in such a short amount of time. Maybe Cody himself will read it one day and try to find me based on the clues. Don't forget to like, comment, vote! I forgot the handle but Olivia commented last chapter and she was chosen for the chapter. Thinking about new books to put on but for now this is goodbye. Love you all


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