3 : What!?

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Mr. Suppasit liked the suggestion so much. He knows gulf well. Gulf was a spoiled child but he was so alive. He was cheerful and childish.

He can make Mew smile more. And on the other hand, Mew will make him responsible and do useful things in his life.

He agreed with Mr. Kanawat and told him that he will tell Mew about the marriage.

Mr. Kanawat was happy about what he did. He just need to convince gulf. And everything will be okay.

Mr. Suppasit waited at his office until Mew came to go to home together.

"Evening dad, come on let's go."
"wait Mew, I need to talk to u about something serious." said Mr. Suppasit

"what's it dad!? Are u feeling bad!? Is t..."

"No no son, I am so good. I just want u to do something for me" Mr. Suppasit knew that mew will refuse but he will agree if he insist and talked about his health issues *devil dad😏😏*

"what dad!? U know I can do anything to u. U just relax and don't tire your self." said Mew with a concern tone.

"I want u to get married to Mr. Kanawat'S son" said the dad in a quick tone.

"okay....... WHAT!? WHAT THE FUCK" shouted Mew surprised.

He don't think about marriage now. He just a night stand guy. All what he want to be able to run all their groups efficiently.

"son please, u know that I want u to make a family. My heart really aches when I see u all alone" acted the dad in front of his son. He know mew's only weakness is him.

"dad!? What's wrong with your heart!? Are u okay!?" what his dad said scared the shit out of him.

"son relax, I am okay. Just listen to me and marry gulf. He is the best for u. He is mikd's friend he is just a b...."

"anything u want dad. Anything. Just don't tire yourself" said mew massaging his dad chest.

On another room. Mr. Kanawat was waiting for his son. It was 2 in the morning and gulf didn't come home yet. He was so worried. Gulf's behaviour made him more serious about the marriage issue.

Mr. Suppasit told him that Mew agreed to marriage. Mr. Kanawat told him that he want the marriage ASAP because gulf was getting out of control.

"Ohhh!! Hi dad why are u still awake" asked gulf smiling. He was smelling alcohol.

"Gulf, are u drunk!?" asked the dad angrily.

"dad, chill. I am 19 and I can do that and more." said gulf raising his voice a bit.

"u know what!? U deserve what will happen. Type, u are getting married in 3 days. Prepare yourself. You will meet your husband tomorrow" said the dad coldly leaving gulf shocked.

"What!? WHAT THE FUCK!? HOW CAN U AGREE TO THIS!? A HUSPAND!?!? me!? And getting married!? How could u!?" shouted gulf angrily.

"gulf I am your dad and I have the right to d..." the dad was interrupted by his son shouting.

"Damn it, damn this right. I am not doing this shit" gulf was very angry.

"see!? That's what made me decided to make u marry Mew. He will be able to make u behave.

If u won't agree, I will stop your cards, your bank account and I will take all the car back. You will have to work to live. And that is it." said Mr. Kanawat leaving gulf shocked.

His father wasn't like that at all. He was curious about that guy who made his father think like that."

So his name is Mew " thought gulf in his mind.

Hi guys 😍😍😍
What do u think will happen!? Tell me your opinion in comments.

TAMING My wifey ; Gulf (completed) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن