His lips curled into a slow smirk, his blue eyes flashing with something she didn't want to think about.

"After you," he grinned, sweeping out a hand in front of the door's threshold.

She also wasn't going to think about the fact that she'd chosen this particular outfit, with its barely there peek of her undergarments, because she knew she would see him today. This was not her normal uniform, and while it was still pretty conservative, she was lying to herself if she thought she would've picked this outfit out on any other day this week.

So, Allie stepped inside The Crown Jewel with Jax right on her heels. His hand ghosted over the small of her back as he stepped around her, casting a smirk at her over his shoulder that dripped with a sensuality that had little tremors vibrating all the way down to her stomach. As he joined Opie and Bobby ahead of her, Allie took a deep breath. Time to get into work mode.

The house speakers pumped out the beats of "Whatever You Like" through the whole club and her gaze flicked right to the center stage, where an admittedly skilled dancer swung around the metal pole upside down with her muscular legs spread-eagle in the air. Allie had always been a little in awe of women who could do that - the upper body strength it had to take to pull something like that off and still manage to inject some sexiness into the movement too was pretty spectacular.

When she shifted her gaze to the Reaper cuts in front of her, she found all three heads turned and fixated on the dancer on the center stage. She figured she couldn't really blame them - the woman was topless with only a thin strip of fabric covering the rest of her. Still, Allie's eyes lifted to the ceiling. Freaking typical.

While their attention was decidedly otherwise occupied, Allie took that opportunity to sweep her eyes over the rest of her surroundings. She couldn't say she'd been in many strip clubs before, but as far as strip clubs went, this was probably pretty run of the mill. Matted burgundy carpeting covered the floor - that would probably have to be ripped out and replaced. Who knew how old it was, when was the last time it'd been cleaned, or what, exactly, those stains were. She side-stepped a few of those stains as they ventured deeper inside the club just to be safe. The walls were covered with posters of topless women swinging around poles - again, probably pretty typical. Not exactly tasteful, but it was a strip club...seemed like it would come with the territory. Her eyes drifted to the ceiling, lingering on the water marks coloring more than a few of the ceiling tiles. And then, her gaze fell to the all-you-can-eat buffet table...while food and sex, on paper, seemed like a great primal pairing, serving food in a place like this brought with it a whole other slew of potential, if not already existing, problems. Plenty of well-managed clubs could pull it off without any issues. The optimal word here, of course, was well-managed.

So far, not so great.

"Ah!" a gruff voice called out from the bar. "Jax Teller!"

All three Reaper cuts tore their gazes away from the center stage to turn their heads to the owner of the voice, who, Allie guessed, was probably the owner of this club. His tall frame filled out his trim navy suit, and his hair was buzzed short, probably to hide the receding hairline. The owner blew out a long stream of smoke from his cigarette as he stepped around the side of the bar to stride over to where they stood.

He reached out to shake Jax's hand and clapped him on the shoulder with the other one, "Dominic King. It's great to finally meet you."

Jax grinned back good-naturedly and clapped him right back on the shoulder in a bro-hug before Dominic moved on to greeting Opie and Bobby the same way. Allie lingered off to the side, not really needing to be part of the bro-fest, and her eyes dropped to the center stage again where the dancer gyrated up and down with both legs wrapped leisurely around the metal pole. Her eyebrows lifted - that was pretty impressive.

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