Jāñe's Dáý!!!!

Start from the beginning

"But, I feel sorry for Jane. She would be sad and pissed at us. We have been avoiding her from yesterday. And look we haven't informed her about bunking classes. Definitely she would be annoyed at us!!", stated Mia.

"What else can we do?? With her around, we wouldn't be able to give her a surprise party. She would muddled and annoyed at our behavior", affirmed Adam.

"My poor girl, she would have thought that we have forgotten her birthday, which is not true. We haven't given her any hint about this at all", said Elena.

"I'm sorry for my actions too. She would have definitely felt alone and left out", murmured Mia.

"But, let's make this party an apology to our actions for the past 2 days!! This would be worth the wait!!", claimed Alec.

"And one more eve to go....We should do our best to hide all these from her. She should never doubt and guess anything about this party. Pretend to be casual around her!!", stated Adam.

"It's almost lunchtime, come on, let's attend our classes from now on!!", exclaimed Elena.

"Hey, I have one more idea for this party. How about a scavenger hunt?", beamed Mia in excitement. Alec chuckled at her excitement.

"Scavenger hunt??", Elena looked surprised.

"Well, let's prepare a list of clues and hide it out in different places. Let Jane find out the clues and reach out to the party destination.

This place is gonna be her final reward. We will prepare different gifts and hide it out with different clues. She solves each clues and reaches this place finally!!", cheered Mia.

"Woah, this is amazing but how are we gonna execute it??", asked Adam looking confused.

"It's simple. We prepare a set of 15 clues and hide it at various usual spots that we knew already. 

For example, the first clue should be hid in her home and her mother will began the game by giving her the first clue. If she finds the clue, that'll lead her to the second one. Thus she follows all these clues and reach to us, finally", explained Mia.

"Sounds great, but what if she doesn't find the clues??", Elena asked her unsurely.

"She has to and she will find them definitely. I knew her so well. She likes adventure of this kind. All we have to do is, myself, Adam and Alec will prepare clues and hide it at various spots. Elena, you try to distract her and keep her engaged around 5 pm to 6pm", said Mia.

"Wow, done!! I'm in", agreed Alec and smiled at her.


The bell rings bringing the session to an end. Adam and Alec waited outside Mia's class for her to arrive.
"So, can we get started??", asked Adam eagerly.

"But before that, did you see Jane atleat once!! She would really be worried about our ignorance. And especially you stupid, you haven't spoke to her even once!!", pointed out Adam. Alec smirked at him.

"That's my plan. I have large surprises awaiting for her. So, before she finds us, let's sneak away", suggests Adam looking around for Jane.

"Hey, I met Jane in the hallway. She looked really pissed. She asked me if I would know anything about what you guys are about to. And she said once she finds you both, she will beat the shit out of you guys!!", chuckled Alec.

"Adam, hope we are in great danger!!", giggled Mia.

"There is no time to waste!! Come one let's get started!!", stated Adam.

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