Grimacing as the sound of raised voices drifted out from the house, her shoulders raised in a small cringe at the reminder that they weren't alone.

If they had to talk about this, she needed to put some space between them and the others.

"Come on." She breathed softly, cocking her head slightly in the direction of the salvage yard as she turned and slowly made her way down the creaking porch steps. Sam's heavy footfalls were enough to tell her that he was following, he didn't need to speak. In fact, they both remained silent on the long, meandering walk through the yard, until the boundary fence was in sight and Ali had led them as far from the house as she could get whilst remaining on Bobby's land. Sighing softly, she hauled herself to sit on the rusted hood of a long-abandoned pickup truck, propped up on cinderblocks in front of what might have once been a shed, but was now just some determined sheets of corrugated iron leaning together against the elements. The hood of the truck was warm, after basking in the sun all day. She hadn't realised that the weather had been good on her drive up to Sioux Falls, it hadn't mattered at the time. Now the day cast a golden shade over the metallic wasteland before her as the sun sank low in the sky, leaving her eyes to seek out the swaying fields beyond the barbed wire fencing.

Carefully, Sam pushed himself up to sit beside her, bracing his feet on the crumbling bumper of the truck but quickly lifting them as it squeaked threateningly in protest – his lips quirking at the soft, half-hearted breath of laughter that it pulled from Ali.

"Me first or you?" He asked after a long, quiet moment, turning to look down at the girl at his side.

Pursing her lips into a wry smile, Ali looked up to meet his gaze, feeling her gut twisting anxiously at the thought of telling him everything – of telling someone the whole, complete truth for the first time.

"I didn't mean to make a deal." The words came out in a sudden rush of breath, her voice hitching on the last word, before she forced herself to inhale slowly, focusing on Sam's steady gaze as it remained locked with hers, holding her in place; "I... You remember when I told you about my cousin?"

He nodded, not wanting to speak his confirmation in case it chased away the wary words spilling from her lips.

"When I said her death was the reason I got into hunting... That was half the truth." Ali admitted softly, wrapping her hands around her knees and staring down at a rip in her jeans; "I... It wasn't some monster that killed her, it was me." She paused for a beat, waiting for Sam to draw away in disgust, or interrupt with some word of disbelief, but he remained silent. "She... Lucy... Her family lived on this farm, out in the middle of nowhere in Vermont, and I was staying with them. She was two years older than me and... God I adored her- everything she did I wanted to do, I completely idolised her- so when she suggested borrowing her brother's car and letting me drive... I didn't even have a learners permit, I was only fifteen but I'd have jumped at anything she suggested..." Shaking her head, she tried to stem the frantic rush of words as she tried to get everything out, but there was no slowing the story now; "I... We should have been fine, the roads around the farm were totally deserted, we were singing along to the radio and I didn't even think to stop when we were passing through the crossroads because there was nothing there- and then this truck..." Her voice shook a little as she hesitated, for a moment fearing she wouldn't be able to finish, until Sam's warm, reassuring fingers curled around her hand.

Sucking in a breath of air, she stared down at their joined hands; "It ploughed straight into the passenger side- we flipped off the road and... I don't really remember, I... There was so much blood, and my legs were trapped under the steering wheel and we were upside down and I was screaming for Lucy-"

Sweet Little Lies | Supernatural | Sam WinchesterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon