Strigoi Attack!

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(Still Lena)

I tried to stand but the world started to spin. Visions flashed into my mind- Strigoi forcing humans to break the ward. As my mind cleared, I could hear frantic voices.

" Lena are you ok"

I groan.

"Mishka, say something"

I blinked.

"Strigoi," I gasped, "Outside. Humans. Break wards." Everyone just stared.

"GO" I yelled.

Dad gave me his stake and ran off with Mum to alert other guardians. Uncle Crispo led Aunt Lis to safety while Adrianne helped me to my feet.

"How did you know?" she queried.

"Visions just flashed into my mi..."

All hell broke loose. The Strigoi poured into the castle. Guardians fought. A few heads went flying around. Huh, decapitation not the easiest but the surest. Some Strigoi sneaked past the chaos and ran down the corridor towards ... Adrianne! I raced towards her, easily outrunning the Strigoi. I skidded to a halt in front of them. Three against one Supreme. Odds work out evenly.

"Look at this, a little dhampir alone trying to protect the Dragomir princess," said one. She lunged at me. I anticipated this (she is very slow compared to me) and punched her squarely on the bottom jaw. She staggered back, giving the opening to stake her. She collapsed.

"I am totally a helpless dhampir with no one to protect me" I joked.

The look of loathing ignited flames in their eyes. Both of them attacked. Didn't make much difference but a tornado kick knocked them out cold, which meant staking was a piece a cake. Cake. Great now I'm hungry.

When everything died down, Dad, Mum, Aunt Lis, Uncle Crispo and Adrianne accompanied me to Headmistress Kirova. They recounted the story, random people butting in every now and then.

"Lena, what d....." I cut her off. I take out the stake and slowly inch towards the dark corner amongst the dusty bookshelves. A whopping huge Strigoi pounced at me, this one took forever to kill and that is saying something. A Supreme, 2 dhampirs and 2 fire using moroi against a Strigoi who seemed to have eaten a lot of KFC before he returned. The Strigoi slammed his fist, first at mum, then dad. Uncle Crispo, seeing what had happened, sent a fireball straight at the thing but it instinctively dodged it, then it sent a fist at him which then knocked him and Adrianne into the wall.

Anger fueled me, "YOU BITCH" my fist came into contact with his face and he went flying. While it was dazed, I stabbed the stake into him so hard it went through entirely and left a hole. My breathing was heavy and I looked around, Dad was helping Mum up, Adrianne was yelling at her dad to get off her. Kirova was cowering in a corner. I slumped into her chair, seeing how exhausted I was.

I am Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov's DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon