C135. An Underachieving School Hunk and Bully: The End

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"Tang Zhao, do you think I can realize my dream?"

It's a weekend so there are a lot of people around, many of whom have made wishes in front of the ancient tree.

But by now, not many linger around.

It seems that Ah Zhao and Gu Cheng are the only two who are left in this little space.

Ah Zhao meets his eyes. She lowers her head pensively then turns around and asks for a lucky bag, making a wish towards the ancient tree herself.

She exerts herself throwing that lucky bag upwards which lands on a branch towering over them.

Only by then does she open her mouth: "The answer you want is in the lucky bag I just threw up."

Gu Cheng can't help asking: "Then what's that?"

Ah Zhao turns around and is about to walk away. "I'm not telling you!"

He rubs his noses awkwardly and calls after her: "Then, can I have my answer after the college entrance examination?"

She waves her hand: "Wait till you take that exam!"

He looks at her back, rubbing his nose and smiles.

The last mock exam of this term, Gu Cheng shocks everyone once again, scoring more marks than Tian Xin who has always been at the second place and is only 13 points short than Tang Zhao who takes the first place.

When the results are out, Gu Cheng's lips curve in a smile.

He passes Ah Zhao a bottle of warm milk and says below his breath: "I'm the most handsome boy with the best grades of our school now."

Ah Zhao smiles quietly.

The college entrance examination finally comes.

Ah Zhao isn't nervous, to be honest.

After all, she's not really a senior student. This exam which means life or death to her peers means little to her.

Before the exam begins, Gu Cheng finds her.

"Tang Zhao, can you give me a hug." He looks calm and in a good state.

Ah Zhao takes a step forward and gives him a hug.

Gu Cheng takes a deep breath and catches the scent of her hair.

He lets go of her and stares at her: "Don't forget your promise."

Ah Zhao tilts her head: "Then I'll wait for your good news."

Gu Cheng smiles: "Set your mind at ease."

Two days of exams pass quickly.

When Ah Zhao walks out of the examination venue, she sees a girl crying secretly by her side.

There are others who can't help crying as soon as they are out of the venue which seems to influence other students and one after another, they all cry out loud as if to vent out all the bad moods of those past few days.

From time to time, teachers would pass by, only shaking their heads and walk away seeing them like that.

They all know what the students feel like at the moment.

Back at school, the class decides to have a wild night out.

Gu Cheng doesn't join them.

He takes Tang Zhao into a car and heads directly out of town.

When they reach the foot of the mountain, it's already dark.

The two of them climb up slowly and come before that ancient tree.

This place is well protected. In a summer night like this, one can feel a cold breeze and see tiny fireflies among the woods.

"I can't wait a second." Gu Cheng says. "You told me that I could get my answer after the exam."

At night, there isn't any person besides few tourists who climb up here in order to watch the sunrise. It's quiet. One can hear the sound of frogs if one listens carefully.

Ah Zhao looks at the ancient tree. A gust of wind brushes by which makes the leaves rustle and it moves those lucky bags on the branches.

One lucky bag falls because of it.

Gu Cheng frowns and picks that up, wanting to hang it up again.

"Wait." Ah Zhao calls him.

She walks over and have a look. A smile comes to her face.

"Open it."

Gu Cheng is surprised. "What?"

She blinks at him. In the bright moonlight, her eyes look as if filled with star light.

Gu Cheng suddenly understands.

His hands start to tremble slightly.

Slowly, he opens the lucky bag.

In it is a slip of paper.

He holds his breath and opens it.

A line of beautiful handwriting comes into sight:

Uphill grow trees, on the trees boughs grow. (Note: This line comes from a poem. The next line reads: My heart goes to you, but you don't know.)

It's an implicit confession from Ah Zhao. Click the external link to read next chapter!

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