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Type-Short Story

Inspiration-(song) Mushaboom by Feist <3



  As my partner and i drove down the snow coated roads in Nova Scotia, I stared out of the passenger seat window. I smiled at the scenery; it was snowing very hard...and I loved it. I've always loved the snow and i still do; it's just that living in Eureka, California you don't see much snow. I grew up in a big city and a famous place in that city. Brooklyn, New York. I was born and raised in Park Slope; and I lived there on my own until I was twenty-one. Then I moved to Eureka.

  At first when I moved there, I was happy as ever because I thought Cali is where everybody wanted to be. Well I was wrong. For the first couple of months I was great, and then the next five months I was kind of depressed. The only thing that got me out of my slump of a mood then, was writing songs. I was an aspiring musician, and i kept a small orange box with my initials on it, L.S., that stood for Liv Skyler, full of songs.

  Just as soon as I was about to move to Los Angeles, I met Gale Denn. He worked at a local cafe I performed at every Thursday and Friday night. He'd been watching me perform and said he thought I was great; said he had a friend who could get me signed. I took him up on that and from then on we met on Friday's and weekends for coffee and a trip to the bookstore called Booklegger. He convinced me not to move to LA; said it was too fake and complicated, thats I deserved better. I was touched by his charm and kindness, and let's not forget his humor.

  Gale and I have been together ever since one night when we went to Hurricane Kate's for dinner. He asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend just like in high school; of course I said yes because we totally loved each other. A year and a half later...he proposed to me. I said yes again and we got married in my beautifully manicured yard with guests and wonderful music. A year later he said his friend Pete knew a guy at a record label called Arts & Crafts that would sign me. I sent in a demo with ten songs on it; it was called Strictly Liv. It was leaked on YouTube and Myspace and suddenly I gained fans. After that I released an LP called Everybody's Fine and that also blew up.

  After the LP, I told Gale that I wanted to move from California altogether and he was skeptical at first, but went along with it. When he asked me why I wanted to move I just told him that I needed more inspiration outside of Cali. So three months after I decided I wanted to move to a place called Nova Scotia which was in Canada; inside of Nova Scotia was a smaller town called Mushaboom. My friend Quinn told me of a time she visited there and loved it; she said it was quiet yet comfortable. She told me that everyone knew everyone, and the people were very friendly.

  So now here i am driving towards our temporarily rented house. The windows fogged up from the cars heater; I drew a smiley face on the window as we pulled up to a house with the numbers 1431 on it. I turned to Gale and smiled lovingly at him, he kissed me then went around to the trunk to get some boxes. I followed and picked up three boxes stacked high and went into the house. I sighed at the cozy little two bedroom house, and smiled at our fireplace. I set the boxes down and went out of more.

  We spent all afternoon unpacking and setting up furniture. When we were done, we flopped onto the big burgundy couch smack in the middle of the room. I laid my head on his shoulder and crossed my legs, he rested his cheek atop my head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We sat like that for awhile, watching the fireplace burn and letting the sounds of the crackling wood relax my wound up bones. I laced my hand with his and laughed.

  "I can see it now. Little brunette babies running around the couch and us helping them with their coats for a windy day out before school."

  "We'll just collect the moments as we go along. And when those little ones are born, it will be the greatest day of my life." He smiled touching my flat tummy. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

  I moved and laid across the couch, my head on the chair handle, my torso on his lap and my legs stretched the rest of the way. That's how we fall asleep that night, not even bothering to go to our already made up fluffy bed. The next morning I woke up to Feist's song One Evening. I loved this song One Evening. I loved this song. I stretched my arms above my head, just noticing Gale wasn't beneath me; I peeked behind me and saw him in the kitchen smelled of eggs and bacon. My mouth immediately watered; I got up off the couch and walked over to the kitchen and leaned on the counter.

  "Nice to see your up sleepy head." He lasughed.

   "What time is it anyway?" I arched a brow.

    "It's one o' clock on the dot. You were knocked out." He smiled. I smiled also.

   "I would give you a good morning kiss, but my breath is kinda funky." We both laughed and I ran off to the bathroom.

  After breakfast, I took a nice warm shower and afterwards curled up in the couch with a cup of Swiss Miss cocoa and my favorite book, It's Kind of A Funny Story; greatest book ever. And Gale was outside talking to our neighbors, Sadie and James. They were our age and seemed like pretty cool people when I went out there. Later that afternoon, Gale and I decided to go and play out in the snow. It was up to out knees so it was kind of hard to runaway from each other. At one point he tackled me into the snow and I did the same.

  When it got dark, we stopped and just laid back in the snow holding hands as we sunk into it. We laughed and kissed. After a while we just sat on the porch steps still holding hands and watched the cars whizz by. I kissed the back of his hand and looked lovingly up into his brown eyes.

  "I don't know about you but I'm totally sold to this place babe." He chuckled.

  "So am I. So how long do you plan on living here?" he looked down at me.

  "I don't know. Maybe forever." He sighed and pulled me close, kissing the top of my head.



                                                                                 The End


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