Chapter 9

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Tanaka POV: 

I wake up cuddling Ennoshita again. Why does this always happen? I see Noya sitting down while texting someone on his phone,

"Who ya texting?" I ask. I must have shocked him because he jumps when I ask, 

"Oh I am texting Asahi, I miss him." he replies. 

"Awww, you guys are such a cute couple." I say, smiling. 

"Not as cute as you and Ennoshita will be," he teases me. I blush, I mean we might become a couple but I don't even know. I give Ennoshita a little shake, 

"Hey, wake up." I say. He grunts and cover my mouth a little but, that was so cute! 

"Oh, hey..." the sleepy boy says. He gets up and walks to his room, probably to change. 

"I think I am going to confess today," I whisper to Noya. 

"Well you gotta go to the store and get your stuff." he replies, '

"Oh yeah you're right, maybe I should say I am going to school early." I say, getting up. I go grab my clothes and run into the bathroom. After I get out I yell that I am going to school early just so Ennoshita knows.

"Bye bro!" my short friend says. 

"Bye!" I yell, running out of the door. Okay so I gotta get blue Petunias- oh wait I have Kiyoko's number! I pull out my phone and find her name,

"Hello?" she asks over the phone

"Uh, hey I wanted to say I am going to confess today-" I start to say.

"Oh my god! Meet me at the store, me and Yachi will be there, now hurry!" she says interrupting me. 

"Okay." I say, hanging up. I start running to the store to meet her there. I am so excited to confess but so nervous that he will reject me. Let me not think of that right now. 

I get to the store and see Yachi and Kiyoko standing in the front. 

"Hey guys." I say 

"Let's go!" Kiyoko says, pulling my arm. I run to the flower section to get the petunias. I find the most beautiful blue petunias I have ever seen. 

"Kiyoko, Yachi, look at these!" I yell over to them. 

"Oh my god those are so pretty!" they say, running over to look at them closer. 

"Let's go to the candy aisle to get the chocolate," I say, already heading there. I look around for one of those valentine like chocolate boxes. I find a heart shaped one but I don't know if I should get him a heart. That is the only one though, whatever I'll get it. I grab it and put it under my arm. 

"Okay, let's buy you a suit that you can change into," Yachi says. We go to the men's clothing and find a very fancy black suit.

"This is perfect!" the black haired girl says, holding the suit up. 

"Okay we got everything, let's go check out." I say. We check out everything,

"Looks like someone has either a date or a confession." the cashier laughs. I blush at that comment,

"I was just messing with ya. But good luck with whatever you're doing." he says again.

"Thanks..." I say, nervously. We leave the store and I am super nervous, what if he doesn't like me? Kiyoko must have seen the nervousness in my face because she says, 

"Hey don't worry, you will be fine." 

"You have to be confident!" Yachi says. I smile,

"Thanks you guys." they definitely help cheer me up. I get to school and go about my day. It is going so slow, maybe it is just because I am nervous. It finally gets to lunch time and I see my fellow second years sitting, waiting for me. 

"Hey Tanaka, when I got to school you were not there so where did you actually go?" Ennoshita asks. 

"Oh yeah sorry, I stopped to get breakfast," I reply, nervously. 

"Oh okay." he says, not noticing my nervousness. I breath inhale and exhale deeply, thank god he wasn't suspicious. I whisper to Noya while no one is paying attention,

"Can you ask Ennoshita to go to the place with the trees?" 

"Sure." he whispers back. It is finally the end of the day and I go to change into the suit. After I change I get the stuff from my locker and head to the place. I see Ennoshita standing there and my stomach completely turns. Ugh I don't want to do this anymore. But I have to. I walk out to where he is standing and I see his eyes widen.

"Hey Ennoshita." I say, blushing 

"Uh- Tanaka what are you doing here?" he asks, confused 

"I, uh- well." I begin to say. 

"Sorry this is really hard to say." I say, laughing to try to cover up how nervous I am. 

"So, I have been hiding these feelings for quite a long time and I guess it is time to tell you them." I say. I see blush on his face.

"Here take these." I say, handing him the flowers.

"Uh- Tanaka?" he asks, sounding nervous. 

"I...I have, well, I have liked you for uh- quite a while now." I say, my face completely red. 

" me?" he asks, looking like he's about to cry. 

"Yes, like a lot." I reply.

"You are messing with me, right? Just say your messing with me." he says, starting to cry,

"What no! I actually really like you!" I say, panicking.

"Please stop lying... you couldn't like me." he says, trying to hand me back the flowers. 

"Do you want me to prove that I like you?" I say. Seeing his crying face makes me want to cry. 

"I know this is a lie so you don't have to prove it." the crying second year says. I muster up courage to prove it, 

"I will prove it." I say, walking up to him. I lift his chin so he looks me in the eyes,

"T-Tanaka?" he asks. I bring his face closer to mine and I press my lips against his. The feeling of his soft lips against mine is what I have always dreamed of. He breaks the kiss,

"T-that doesn't mean a-anything." he sobs. That makes me start to cry as well, 

"Doesn't mean anything!?" I yell. 

"I want to be with you so much it hurts!" I say, tears streaming down my face. 

"T-Tanaka, I-I'm so s-sorry." he says

"I just never thought you would like me back." Ennoshita says, wiping my tears. 

"It is f-fine." I say, looking at his shining eyes. 

"C-can we k-kiss again?" he asks, now blushing. 

"Of course." I say, touching his lips with mine. This was a moment I never thought would happen, ever. 

"So will you go out with me?" I ask, holding him in my arms. 

"Of course." he replies. 

"Also can I call you Chikara?" I ask, cheerfully 

"Sure." he says, kissing my cheek 

"Thanks Chikara!" I yell, making him blush. 

"Y-yeah no problem." the black haired boy says, looking to the side. I give him another kiss, 

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself," I say laughing. 

"Yeah whatever," he says, flustered. I am so glad I finally confessed to him. I will never forget this day.

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