Chapter 8

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Tanaka POV: 

I can't believe Ennoshita invited me to a cafe. And with the gift card I gave him. I see Nishinoya smirking at me,

"I see someone's excited." 

"I'm sorry but I am really excited." I say, with a wide smile. 

Finally after what felt like forever practice ended. Ennoshita walks up to me and the other second year,

"Okay, you guys ready to go?" he asks , a cute smile on his face. 

"Y-yeah..." I say, mesmerized by him.

"Yeah, let's go!" Noya says, running out of the door. Me and Ennoshita laugh. 

"Guess he's ready." Ennoshita smiles. We catch up to the small second year and start walking to the cafe. 

"Soooo, do you know who gave you that gift card?" Nishinoya said, teasing us both.

"N-no I don't but...I wish it was um- y-yeah." he says with blush on his face. I look at his flustered face and he looks so cute. 

"Oh we're here!" Ennoshita says, which made the libero a little mad since he changed the subject. We walk in and sit down. One of the servers gave us a menu. I look to see what they have and I see Melonpan. They must have seen my face light up because Ennoshita asks

"What did you find?" 

"They have Melonpan here!" I say, excitedly 

"Of course I should have known." he replies,

"Are you guys ready to order?" the waitress asks. 

"Oh-um, yeah." the black haired boy says. 

"Could I get a plate of sushi?" Nishinoya asks. 

"Can I get a basket of Melonpan?" I ask, trying to be polite.

"And could I have a muffin?" Ennoshita asks, with a sweet smile. 

"I gotta go to the bathroom I will be right back." the pretty second year said, getting up from the table. He walks off and Nishinoya looks at me, 

"So, when are you gonna confess to him?" he asks, throwing me off guard. 

"Uh- actually soon I guess." I say, thinking about the pretty place with the trees. 

"Wait really!?" the short boy asks shocked. 

"Uh...yeah I was talking about it with Kiyoko and Yachi." I reply

"Do you have a plan?" Noya asks intrigued. 

"Yep, I am doing it at a place with beautiful trees. I will give him blue Petunias and chocolate and will dress up in a suit." I say, explaining all of it. 

"Oooh you really do like him if you're doing fancy things like that," the other second year said, teasing. I see Ennoshita walking back over so I give Nishinoya a glare telling him to shut up. 

"What are you talking about?" he asks sitting back down. 

"Oh nothing!" I say, my face hot. 

"Here's your food boys." the waitress says, putting the food on the table. I immediately grab the amazing crossed bread. 

"Mmmmm," I say, my mouth full, Ennoshita giggles. I choke, he looks so cute.

"Oh my god are you okay Tanaka?" Chikara asks as I cough. 

"Y-yeah I am fine." I say, hitting my chest to help.  

Ennoshita POV: 

I might be lonely after we all leave the cafe, maybe I should ask them to come to my house.

"Uh hey guys you wanna go to my house after we eat and maybe have like a sleepover." I say nervously.

"Sure!" Noya replies, still energetic.

"Of course." Tanaka says, a smile on his face.

We finish eating, I pay using my gift card and we start walking to my house. Once we get to my house Noya asks,

"So have you sculpted anything recently?" Oh god I completely forgot about that one sculpture. 

"Uh, hehe...n-no," I say, not wanting them to see my sculpture of Tanaka. 

"Come onnnnnn! I know you have sculpted something recently." the short boy says, pushing. 

"Oh we should watch a movie" Tanaka says. He probably wasn't even listening to our conversation. 

"Okay!" I reply, happy to change the subject.

"You guys find a movie, I will get us some blankets." I say, walking into the hallway to get the blankets. I get three blankets and walk back out to the living room. 

"I FOUND FROZEN!!!" Noya yells hurting my ears. 

"You wanna watch frozen?" I ask,

"HELL YEAH!" he replies, still yelling. 

"Okay fine, we'll watch it. You want me to make popcorn?" I say throwing the blankets over to them

"Yeah!" they both say in unison. I go to make the popcorn,

"I know all of the songs!" Nishinoya says to Tanaka,

"Oh no I don't want to hear you sing bro." the number five says. I giggle,

"What do you mean bro, I have a great voice!"

"Yeah sure." they continue arguing. 

"Ennoshita you wanna have a singing competition?" the spiky haired boy asks.

"Uh sure, I guess." I reply. I really like singing so it couldn't hurt. The popcorn finishes and I put it into bowls. I walk over and put he bowls down. Noya presses start and we all sit comfortably eating popcorn, and with blankets on us. The first song comes on but no one sings it because we don't want to. Then the Do You Want To Build a Snowman comes on and Noya starts singing, loud. I sing quietly not really wanting anyone to hear me. I hear both Tanaka and Noya sing and they aren't bad. Then one of my favorite frozen song starts, For The First Time in Forever. I start singing, not realizing that I was being loud. I stop and Tanaka says,

"Oh my god that was so good!"

"You're an amazing singer!" Noya says as well. 

"Hehe t-thanks." I say, blushing. We get halfway into to movie when I feel something press against my shoulder. I look to my side, Tanaka fell asleep on my shoulder. I blush but then smile. He looks so peaceful, I shouldn't wake him. I rub his head. 

"Awww you guys are so cute. I know you aren't a couple yet but you guys are making me miss Asahi." Noya says 

"Um... not a couple, yet?" I ask, flustered again. 

"Yep, yet." he replies confidently. 

The movie ends and the other second years are dead asleep. I lay down to get more comfortable. Yet, maybe we will end up together. I fall asleep thinking of what Nishinoya said. 

Authors Note: Before I say anything I wanna say happy birthday Tsukishima! On YouTube you can actually find Ennoshita singing For the First Time in Forever. Just search up Ennoshita singing on YouTube and you will find it. Also thank you guys so much for over 1,000 reads, you guys are awesome! Just wanted to say those things so bye, love you guys. 

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